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Show Caae Agalnet Mae Wood Dropped From the Calendar. New York. Mne 0. Wind. Indicted on oharRea of forgery nnd perjury Id connection with her milt nunlliat ex-Hcnulur ex-Hcnulur Tliomaa ('. Piatt, to whom he ulleRed "lie had been married, did not appear when the caae wua culled here un Monday. On reqtieat of the proaertitlnn the raao wna marked off the calendar. Aaalatant IMnlrlcl Attorney Attor-ney (inrvnn anld It waa doubtful 1' Mlaa Wood would he tried, owlna; fo Ihe iinfavmable coadltlon of formal 9entiinr Piatt. |