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Show Puahed Wife Off Bridge. Indlanapolla. Ind Kdward lloff, t firmer, hua ronfeaaed to the police Ibat tho body of the woman round In tha rival- n'-nr here Monday wna that nf hi wife. He ronfeaaed that he ! had caueed her death by puahlnc her from the brldKe of tha Indiana I'nlun 'Traction company, which rroaaea Hie j river at Broad Hippie. Jiul outalde ; the ally, lloff. ui conlltm to hla oon-Teaelon. oon-Teaelon. bocamu aiiKered bix-auae hla wife lnelnled upon tukluir morphine They had been In Indlanapolla nn Hie aftaruoon of Friday, IXiober '11. |