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Show ADMITS MOTHER'S CRIME. Murder Myatery of Three Yeara' Standing Cleared Up. (IiIcuko Ibniy llrialcnhcycr, a J.-weler of .Mu.llann, Wla.. who wna r.iiind d.-iiil imur hla homn tu thn auiti-111. auiti-111. r ol I'.iiiii. mid who wua helluvcd to huvn he.-ii murdered by n rohher. wua killed hy hla wife, Mui'Kurcl, now a pallent nt the Diiniilni:, llllnola. Ill-aalm Ill-aalm liayllllll. Thla la the collfeaaloll niude by Ihe iluiiKhier t'luru llrodeti-heyer llrodeti-heyer 10 Aaalatnnl i'hlef of Police Hchiiettler. of I'hlruito. Ilrodetilieycr, who wua C2 yenra old, hud urn, land Ihe Jeuloiiay uf hla wile. .8I10 autlallcd huiK.'ir of hla Inlldellly land decided to till him. ntm lured hllll lo utl ablllldollcd BluilKhler houae nm nn old inriii neiir Mudlaon nudcr prelenae of lookltiK over the piomriy. 1 Tln ru alie abut hllll once nenllid the rbthi cur. nud once In the foi-chend. ' lie died ulll!,, at lllalulllly. Thn dullKll- l,-r n.luilia In Ipiu- Imr mother bury Hie body. |