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Show OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W Va. " I f.-. l tli.it I e tin- lii.it toll -:iri of ny lllo to l.v.lhi I -r., , I K. I'lliklialn's VoKO. ' table Cnliipolltnl. ' 'V-S lv.'i. 'car a. 1 f . ' mix ik walking fj I shadow. lhu.ll.cci, U ft I '""It tin- il.H ii.r u rj (J .arel.utc,,ti,rij, f. J My lni!.liitiil nr. ' "Ja.l.il in.- tn try " , I y.li i I' I'inl.liutn'a .4 m Vviri tal.li' C.in. 9tJ'fc Is'tuul and it worked ffl?V-t.K-i'i' ' '""-li:iriii. lire. C--.J. t..! ,- ! -III,..,, I ..II my pallia ml misery. 1 B.lvlv nil mill, ring women t.i take l..lia L'. I'lnl.l ain'n Vegetable '..iiimiiimI." Slim, Lvi.'i.v Win vi.iv, VI. una. W Va. I.v.lla L. l'lnkliain'M V.r. tal.1.' Cm. P- in ml. in. i.li' from native r..n ami lierbs, -! 1 1 . i i 1 1 mi narcotics or harm-ful harm-ful (IriiL'H. ami iv hold the rtcot.l fur tln lartrost ti i t ii ) T i.f initial cures of female ill riin-Hiif mi v similar mi'.ll-rlni' mi'.ll-rlni' In the I'.Mi.itry, anil tluuisatuli i.f Voluntary tcitim.iil:ils nr.' on III.' In tli.. l'liikliam laboratory lit I.viin. M.in, fmiii wiiniiti who have Iktii cured f mm nhnn t every fi.riu of female coin pl.i In t h. Iiiilalniiiatliin. ill. coral loti.illspluecm-nis.lil.rolil liiinorn, Irr.uularlll. H. 'rl.Hlii' pain-., backache, indigestion mi. I nervous prostration. Kvory such aiilfcrlnir woman owes It tn herself tn give I.y.lla I'.. I liikham't Vcttotalile CnnitHiiiiiil n trial. If you would llkPM'inl mlvlro niiiiiit ymir ciini' w rile it conllilcn-tin conllilcn-tin I loiter tn Mrs. riiiklniiii. ut l.ynn, Muss. Hit ntlvlcu in trvi; uudulvviiyn Helpful. Suspicious. The father c.t Judge W. II. Wudhaiii IiimI n chicken-coup uii.t n dog uml n fli.lilo liiiml. It Iiokiiii tn l.x.k to Mr. WndhulllB HH HlOUgtl snllie lino llll.l discovered dis-covered tho combination. Ho ho kept tlu ('imp nnil the Htalilo liiiml. hut ho Rot a now il at. Next liny tho hont old negro who groomed tho Wnd-Iiiiiiih' Wnd-Iiiiiiih' horses rntuo to hlin. "Ynti Ins' you iirf.Milnn foh mo, boss?" ho Baked. "No, Heipln," Kill. I Mr. Wiidhnm. "I llkv you nn well nil ever. I'hen," mi 1.1 Hiiplo. peevishly, "w'yn't you tlv Olil Itovor In ilu chicken coop, 'atld of tint now dorg?" ! Beautiful Structure! Dreamt Readied. Kvory beautiful atrutitirn la the dream of tho nrrhltort. Ht. Paul' la but dronin of Chrlatophor Wron. Without tho drenmcra the wurld would bo a dull place, llrouinora lifted It out of the dnrknoas of bnrbarlani and Ignorance nnd pluced It In tho white light of civilization and knowledge. HrKHIir IMVIH' l-AIMOI.I.KII shnll m. iL. n MMIM..U .1.-I..I h.i.. , i...at af.4 lbi.-una. aTsII Ti ustfUu. Ift'i.ViiIi'wic'uxllt.. Occasionally n schoolgirl la ao ro-nuilille ro-nuilille thnt iiho Inn. tin. ' nil poetry ahoulil ho pi lined In Hullo. I Mr. Wlnalnw'a NtMiltilne Njrrnp Aalfi IUUoU,WIiplll,.-UI wUtUwj,Ui.'aacwMe, Il.otH of Karrtiluiiri peoplo niiiku a Hlieelalty ol miyliiK nnihlng SICK HEADACHE E I . I Poalllvely t urrd by Fl CARTERS Ibeae Llllla nila. LT JlTTLC lrrlr..ii.i).-..l..l..- II ilar-n imii.mNJT..liri, II I VF R Knlll.lf. A IHTlrol r.o. ' II PILLS. ) J 11 M ThIIIIIIiM..UIIi.CumV ? taiitiiTaJ I ma.. Toiipiu i.ivmc j TU reirulau IU UoirnU. l'urljr Vegruble, SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. i rruBTCQtfl Genuine Must Bear i CARItKS Fac-Slmilo Signature fcWl 1 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. QUALITY 'V'! tl''ViVK!i'iV.'.fi'T!V" I For Asthma, Dronchitii and 1 1 II Throat Troublet Take W list muu io iwiws sj 1 The relief it a quick ai it ia certain. 1 I fJleaant to Uko and guatanleed I t I abtolulely fiee Irom opiate. I I I AO Drti.iUU. 15 . f i U b |