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Show STEAMERS COLLIDE AND SINK Many Peraona Loee Their Llvea, Sixty-coe Being Reecued from the Jawe of Hungry Sharke. HltiKiipore The mall stcnin.-r 1j H.'Vim of the Meaaua-nrlea inirlilnma aervlce. rut, 1, Inn I, .-.-. 11 .lain nnd Hlnuapore. and mi Imr wuy lo II, It port, collided curly Sun. lay mornltiK with the ainunmr On, la or the II Illan-I Illan-I n ill.- Him, and nuiik two mliiuiea liner. H.-v. rul Kiimpiqin puaaem;. ra. In-chnlltiK In-chnlltiK Huron nnd llaroiieaa ll.-nlerkl the cai.tiiln id l.a H'-yim. five Kutie lean .illle.-ra nnd eklity .'luht otlmra, cntnprlaiim native paa -ntmerH and iin nilinra of Hm i n . w. rn drown.-d. Tim n-seiin of alxtvone peraona praetlcnlly rrotn the Juwa of ahoulH of ah Ilka lot I 11 HllllllIlK tlll'lth'llt of Iho wreck. I he ncelilwi! n.cnrrcd In a thick hare at I oclork In Hie iiiornlnK. 1 he v. sa.-la were ai.-umliiK at R'Hid ap.-.-.l and l.n Heyne wua cut almnd In hair There wna not lime for I mile nor r.,r nnv ititempt on the pun of Ihn ofllcera lo Ret nut Ihe bnuf a. |