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Show p "w. 'UfK ,f .-Ar,j.i',',vix It is Time Now T. ft thlnfcln whit you r Mnf I buy , CHnilmii. Wrtta u a hn atttf t In louth with tht ;o, thing in trlry and ! .. ...b.utl.y tU... . art bet l am. W Uh ua iitr aronllr- i ',' $u LMKt Lnr. urn I PATENTS J SS fc'l'b m4 eVfi,lMa ! fNf larrttia. 1 Marry J. RitiniM. Allarsrr at L las' V.li,tr I 4 fslr.li, JU4 S jssV Ballon,, 3lt Lake lltf Angora Goata. Thn fornatry dnpartiuenl hn turned :iuu Augnra goala out lo Ihtrountaln alopci In the wnat In tha Wipe that ihny will knep the weeda turn grow-lug grow-lug on thn flre brnaki. Thlteork ha, hi nn n anrliiua nipnuae and the goata ure an I'lpi-rlmiMit. Undoubtedly Not. Capt. Jerome, while vlalllng Pol. lilgglnann, tmik a derringer from the table, and uaked: "Thla thing limited?" limit-ed?" Hut before thn colonel could reply Hi" wenHin waa illHihurged, the bullet tenrlng awny one of the Angora of the vlaltnr. The colonel, whn la widely known on ncrnunt of hla ex treme (Hillteiinaa, bowed grnrefully. and rejiiliiid: "Not now, my dear captain." CAREFUL DOCTOR Preacrlbed Change of Food Inataad of Drug,. It takea conalderabla courage for doctor to deliberately preacrlbe only food for a dvapalrlng patient, Inateud of reaortlng to the uauul Hat of med-Iclnea. med-Iclnea. Thora are aome truly aclentlflo phy-alclana phy-alclana among the present generation who recognize and treat condltlona na they aro and ahould be treated regnrd-leia regnrd-leia of tho value to their pockota. llere'a an Inatnnce: "Four year, ago I waa taken with ecvore gaatrltla and nothing would atay on my atomacb, ao thut I wua on the verge of aturvntlon. "I heard of a doctor who baa a aura-mer aura-mer cottugo nenr me a apeclnllat from N. Y.,and aa a luat hope, aent for him. "After he examined me carefully be advlaed me to try a amall quantity of Urupo Nuta at flrat, then aa my atom-aih atom-aih beciime atronged to ent more. "I kept at It, und gradually got ao I could ent nnd digest three tcaapoon-fula. tcaapoon-fula. Then I began to have color In my face, memory became clear, where bo-fore bo-fore everything aocmed a blank. My llmha got alronger and I could walk. Bo I atcadlly recovered. "Now, after a year on Grape-Nuta I weigh 153 Ilia. My people were aur-prUed aur-prUed at the way I grew fleshy and atrong on thla food." Head the little book, "The Road to Wollvllle," lu pkga. "There'a a Keuaon." ICver read the above letterf A l aavrara from time In lime. Thry re araulae, tree, ul full vf fcaaaaa) Ulmil, " A GREAT ANNOYANCE. Kidney Diteaae Show, Many Painful and Unpieaaant Symptoma. George H. Crnwell, ll(i llroadway, llelcnu, .Mont., auya: "I waa troiihli d with a dlaordered "ik condition of thn kid-f-3kEi!J b'-ya, aome bni-kni-he Vi AA 9 lrr,'l"'"r I"1""- yv--.") K' " of aciTetlnna. At 1 1 tlmea I waa nhllged M--. lo g.t up out of bed '7 ut bK,t. nnl tlio V'-.X '"'. urine waa unnatural I""""'" In npiiearanm. Onthe dvlie of n friend I procund Pnnn'a Kidney IMIN and In gun lining them. Thla remedy helped me ut nm n, alreiiKthi ned my klilm-va nnd corn rti (I the dlaordered condition." condi-tion." Ill-member thn name pnnn'a. Pnld In" nil ili nlera r.n rente n box. Koalur-Mllburn Koalur-Mllburn Co., Ilurf.ilo, N. Y. The next time yon feel thut swallowing Srti-ulioli, tin allle ma of Mire thriMt, g.iiaie llnnihlla Winild Oil ltiiine,i,tt.-ly v il Ii tlin-e p.irla wilier. It will aae you days aud pvrluitis weeks of uiiMr. I'robnlily the reason aome girls make auch a fuaa when a fellow alenls a klaa la becnuae they are afraid be won't give It bock. rilK llKfr-afATr-ll 1111 IIH ait Nowta. All. n' I. una IL', i'iiir-l..-uall ,,'1,-t tr,, i,. i,.il. l-ii,- .,ui i.-iui.i -.ii.-ii,.. lu iH-.-n M.ia lur ufrrdr.aia. !..!'. II .UIH..III.-V AlU.-alrii. The averngn man la antlalled with bla puat If It la puat llndlug out. Pr. ripno's IVIIrl. nsllj .! nlaa aar lo lilirand iiua.-ia. tie Iw.t ll.... I A lit tin learning uiakea a bore doubly tlreaomn. To Knjoy the full ciinrnlenm of the WiA-Informed or tho W'nrlil nml the Commemlnlion of the iiiihI eminent pliyiit-iana it wna eaaen-tial eaaen-tial that the ciitiiaiiii iit iirU of Syrup of I ic nml l:liir of S-iina ulunili la known to nml appniwtl liy tliein; tliero-(on-, tlio California I ig Syrup Co, pub-lisla-a a full atutement w ith every jiarkago. Tlio perfect purity in, I uniformity of pro. duct, which they lU-manl In a laxativa rcmcily of an ethical diameter, an assured by the Comiany 'a original method! of manufacture man-ufacture knuwn to the Company only. Tlio flgi of California are ucil in the production of Syrup of 1'igs ami l'Jixir ol Senna to promote tlie pleasant taste, but tlio medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act moat lienclicially. To get its Ifmiirial effects always buy the genuine maniifacttiml liy the California Cali-fornia 1'ig Syrup Co. only, anJ for sal liy all leading druggists. When Cold Winds Blow Vt'hen cold winds blow, biting frost -?7'-'---t Is in the air and back-drauyhis down yt,yf, rJlf lite chimney deaden the fires, then the Jzii, ti!3v PERFECTION pSf4 Oil Heater (Equlppod with Smokeleaa Dovloo) j l' .'a,;! shows lis sure heailne power by !Kfif sieadily supplying just the heal that p'' Is needed for comfort. AZP.'i j "rife. The Perfection Oil Heater la tinaffccied "-e i3 hy wca her conditions. It never fails. No PS'ii ia eri' i',i f'Li anioke no amcll just a genial, satisfying l v?, . , I -' heat. The new JWffV-'S wL Automatic Z Smokeless Device J''jf. preven'a the wick being turned too high. l Kemovcd In an instsnt. J Solid brais font hnkls 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat furoh'iuta villi brass wuk carriers daniK.-r io uail handle nil indicator. Heater beautifully ftimhrd in nickel or Japan III a variety ol styles. kcry Uralrr Kverywhrn.. If Nm At v.iura. Write fur tiracrlplKs Clrralar co.ntinentTl ml' company 1 ' 'ilfk '1' 'V'i ViV lh Ji BaasHHsaaHaVsMBasasasBaHMg uvLror iVSJki J "ble.oaay walking, common ' Yi - vlt' V .y aenaa ihoei. A trial will I " a.', I5 convince any on that W. L. if L'es, ''All I V' DouKiaa ahoea hold their f VT Vi Wi 1 I A ,h"Pi better and wear! t fi'l . .-.A, M aju longer than other makes. I I ' T MjK. They are made upon honor, I (L'rMiX ' .' . .w-'ZT Of the beat leathers, by the I 1 ; v.i j'V - ; moat skilled workmen, In all K jfiS. '' VV 1 0- f, . -' the latest fashions, shoes In ffffTvlV LfSJ l "-ej I , . every style and shape to suit ' ' ; 1 P'K j ' - lb - , men In all walks of life. 1'-Vfflr j . ' 'hi. PflHTinN IThsgrnulnsbava W.t (Ji JV ': .. .' UHUIIUillBougUsnsms.ndpriM Ue&livIafiLii. r,.,'- ' stamped oa bottom, winch gusiauiiM, I'll V'lSLM 1 1 1 "L 'v'1.1'- full vslus aud protects tie wusrer 1 tAjLLc'Ti lili-II? agsinit high prices snd inferior skoua. !?UTnfcu)ir iyi-T y-r ."" tahs: Ma substituts. r. |