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Show RfllLWflYS INTBOLMfl ! 13V DAN 1 EL P.WIJLITS r "Maarss A ItDSI l.T of IiikIiik In-t Ita Purine I ft 3 "nllollld il. .Mine A I) 1 . il.it il.lu. (nlluW- I i lK tin' iir with Chile in ls;'.i, llnllvla I JLM, I '"Ui"l Xroir Klmt eft Ir Hie nin uml do- I I luiiili nl upon Ita iielKlitiuia fur nn oullol PvlJJJV.'J " IO till1 Rl.ilt Will III '-'irSS;i ir'"1 u" "" l,ln 1" nntlonnl IKWjEifl I'l'do. for Iho Hi.IIMiiiih folt tho lomi of PJ'X.Vii iitnf iiKriHiii more keenly Hum even the B r'Ci 'ti I ,'r''1"'1 "' ""' Uhliie proviiiroa. n ml IllVikvll' ''rl""" 1,8 "" ""' ""' linlloliul HVb rV(j! treaxiiry of the revenue ilerlveil from IJj? tl the 'I'll iil'rnlo li.'l.li. of the loM piovluee. I?3 fcSl y''1 ""' l"rl,"l'" liemy than the lliillvlann llieun.elle then tlliillKllt. It liiaiiKi il eullrely tho eouiilry'a rri noiiile oulview nud purhi l It forwiird Inlo llnea of do-volnpiunit do-volnpiunit uhliii In nil pri.l.al.llliy would olherio have been delnved for iiiiiny yi ura. Kven prior to Is7 Hie iilinilo liehln were tor (he ni.irt purl on m il hy for elKllorx. tho llollviaiiH thelllMilea I.elUK eiitat. il In Kohl nud ullvi'r iiiIiiIiik Hut the tuxea from miniie proiluc- tl. hi pal.l In n hiritu moiiHiirv the ex.euneH of government gov-ernment and wiih ihc l..x of ihla revenue ihe Ktiile wna furred Into (om-lilerutloii of Ihe eeii. noiiile development of Hie eountry In oilier line. I hull Hold .Hid allver proiliiellou nlolie. The aetlled piirt of liollvla wna ihen nn.l la lo n laruo eu nt yet, llml IiIkIi lahle hind, one of the moat piiiio.ia uml eleml. , .lmeiiu to ho found on the Klolie, whl.h Ilea helwoeii Hie weal, orn nud the eiiatern Amlea. Thle Initio Inn.) e. tonda from nbnut the Amontlne bitnler In the outh Into Peru on tho nnrlhweat, nnd la from tiU to K.O inllea In width. On the Chilean border the woatern Cordillera la In reality leaa a mountain rnnne than a line of huge cllffa. The table- mno la Itaoir 12.UO0 to 13.UUO feet above aea level and (Inpea Rradnnlly 2.000 or 3.000 feet up to the rroat of the woatern hills and then fnlla away abruptly nearly three tnllea down. 15.000 feet, to the deaert land lying, between Ihe foot of thla linmenae line of cllffa and the Pneltle orenn. To the enat of the tableland Ilea the hlKh Andea. the Cordillera Ileal, rla-Iiik rla-Iiik In lllainpu. Illlmiuil, Anroehitma and flnjniiia over ill.ouo foot. North, enat and eouth from the Cordillera Ileal the html fnlla away tn the great Amar.on and Pnruna filnlna. Thla country, threefourlha of liollvla In area, la but little aettled. but la lo natural reaotireea and aoll ono of the rleheat pnrta of the world. It could eaally auataln an nKrlrul-liiral nKrlrul-liiral population urenter lliun the whole preaelit population of South America. The llrat and moat preaalna need """via ia ranwuye. ill la need waa recognlred 10 a certnln extent prim m i,.,. n Aa fur bnrk na June, lkiij, the nutlomil ii.,bly aiilhorlted the prealdont to enier Into comrade for the bulldtuc of rnllwaya, nnd In 1 I;h a con-ceaalon con-ceaalon wa Kralited to a cltlen of the Pnllod Hlntea to build rallwuy from fobljl to Potoal with a government KuarHtity of aeven per cent, on the rnpltal luveated. In addition, the conclusion conclu-sion carried a grant of Innd one league on encb aide of the line. A number of oilier cnnceaalnna were omdo In I KC9. 1873. 1874, 1N77. 1878 and 1879. In l'J04 Ihe llollvinn national ninre of liiiml-gratlon liiiml-gratlon nnd atatiatlra laatied a volume of nearly 400 pugca containing the acta, derreea and con-ceaalona con-ceaalona In aid of rallwaya, covering the yeara IkkO to 11114. Kvery effort waa liiu.lo by tho government gov-ernment during thla period to Induce capital to Invest In railway construction In the country. Perhnpa nowhere else In the world were such In-duceuienta In-duceuienta held out by any country to aeruro the end sought aa by liollvla. following the termination termina-tion of the war with Chile. These Indiieemenla were offers of land, mines, exemption from luxation luxa-tion nnd customs diilles, government guaranties, llnnnclal aid and exclusive privileges. Hut unfortunately unfor-tunately for liollvla the offers were not made In the right quurtor. In Ita eagerness tn secure results, re-sults, conceaalona were grunted to and conlracta made wltb the most Irresponsible parties, In ninny cases mere adventurers without capital or Influence. The net result waa natiirnlly to returd rather than to help railroad construction. In 1S04 all thut liollvla hud to show In rail-wuya rail-wuya as a result of 40 yeura' IcKlahitluu and Innumerable In-numerable conlracta were the tiuaipil and the Aulufuiiaata rouus. The former gave an outlet from l.n Pax to l-uke Tltlra.a. whence puKHengora and freight were transported across tho hike by boat to the Peruvian port of I'unii nnd thence by Ihe Peruvian railway lo Nollen.lo ou Iho I'aelllc. The total length of thn road from Alio of I .a Pax to fiiiniml on l.uke Tltleuca was 87 kllumeters (f.4 lulleal. The gaugu was one meter 13'j 37 Inches) and the rails weighed IN kilograms p,.r uieter nbnut J? pounds per foot. The AntofiigiiHia. Bolivia's first railway, hnd a total mileage of !:'.'. kiloni.tera t .',?:) miles), a gaugu of r centimeters I ;:.:) Inches) nnd rails weighing 17 40 kllogrnms per motor, or about 11 pounda per foot. It wus nut iinlll 2.'. years after the uiitbreuk of the war with Chile and 20 yea is afler the signing of the agreement of April 4. 1SS4, which marked Hie close uf that war, allhougj It did nut cou- cltialvoly settle all the iimtiM nrlaliig therefrom, that on October . 1H4, nt Han-tlago, Han-tlago, ploiilpoioiiHarlea of Dm t count rloa signed tho treaty of pence tu4 Irlondahlp which put a final end to all dliptite) between liollvla nnd Chile nnd secured a addition coueeaai.ms to tho former. In the preceding year. IM3. las signed the irealy of itU dli jnnm nb utuzI. ",l,r ,hl" ''"tity an exchume of terrllorlea between the two cnunirlea wis ifted. Ihe llvla acpilred on tho soullinat tie atrip of territory lying betwect) Its botindnry and tha Pnrnguny river, and llraxll acquired llollvla'a jinlm tn the Acre region on the northeast. The latter territory being consider, the more valu-Blilo. valu-Blilo. Itrnxll atlpulated to pay a cash Indemnity of f 2.000,000 sterling. Theso two treaties were of Immense consequence conse-quence to liollvla: flrat. In relieving her from the old railway and mining eatanglniuenta; second sec-ond In securing the construction of the Arlea-I-R Pai railway; third, thrnuih the loan of Chilean Chi-lean credit In Internal railway construction: and. fourth. In providing a cash fund of 2.300 000 with which to guarantee or to begin the actual construction of the trunk Hum Following the mtlllcatlon of the treaties negotiation, ne-gotiation, were opened with prominent Kuropean and American cupltullsta an on May 19. mot. a contract waa signed with th. National City bank and Bpoyor Co.. of N.w Vork. The con-tract con-tract wna signed In Ul'ai by , representative of the concessionaires and additional stipulations were made on May 22. l-nder article: 111 of the contract the conoe alonnlre. oblige themselves within a period of tema" t0 C'"""ruct lhe 'ol'olnf rullway aye- (a) Krom Oruro to Vla.ha. wltb a branch lo line lt'"adoro. cnnnectin, with the Arlca (b) From O'uro to Cochibainba. (c) From Oruro to Potosl. galla1" Kr"m ' 10 1U'11'1, bT Cttl" "1 CaUl' (e) From 1'yunl to Potoil. If) From l.a Pax to Puerto Pando. All of these ruuda are la be one-meter gauge except tho lust two mentioned, which. In the ills-crotlon ills-crotlon of the concessionaire., may be of 70 cen-tlmotora cen-tlmotora gauge. The cost of the rullwnye la eatlmuted nt tr.,. 600.000 sterling, lucludlug il,200,000 alluwed for tho l.a I'az Puerto Pund" line. The concessionaires are authorized to ishiib two clnssea of bonds flrat mortgage and second iimrtgiigo, or Income bonds. Tho first morlgago bonds, which are a flrat lien, are authorised to tho umoiint of JL 3,700,(100 sterling, boar five tier cent. Interest and are payable In 20 years. The Interest for 20 yours Is guaranteed by the government gov-ernment of liollvla. A further luue of uo.lltlonul first mortgage bundi to the umount of 2,000.0oo sterling Is uiilhurl.ed lu cuse the sum of jL'ti.rjOO.OOO proves Insull'cleiit to build the lines. These bonds will TArTTTlcACA " ) OA 9INQ PAILS StT GUAQUI, BOLIVIA y bear six per cent. Interest and the In tereat will not be guaranteed by Ihe aovernm-'nt. The second mortgage or Income bonds run for 26 yeara. bear five per cent. Interest and are a second sec-ond lien on the roinls. ruder an agreement made In London Lon-don In l'.u7 hy tho Antofiignata and liollvla Hallway Company, which la a Illrlllsh corporation, and Hpeyer A Co., the Anlofagasta Hallway Com. pnny agreed lo guarantee the Inter-eat Inter-eat nn the line from Oruro tn Vlncha nnd In a. billion to miiko a payment to the conceaalonnlrea for a mtijortlr of the line's slock. Thla agreement made necessary the law, mentioned Hbov-e. signed hy President Monies on lieeemher 1, liliiH. The purpose of this ngreeinont Is tn make the new lines serve as feeders to the Antofngnsla line In-atcad In-atcad of playing tho purt of competing lines, aa would hnvo been the ense hnd Ihe orlglnnl pro gram of construction been curried out. The Oruro lo Potosl line of the original plan would partly parallel Ihe Antofngusta Hue. It la very probable that a complete merger of the In forests of the Antofngnsla and Hnllvia Hallwny Company and Ihe American conceaalonnlrea will he Hindu. |