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Show HAULS MUCH MONEY 1 " Van in Washington Carted Millions Mil-lions of Dollars Through City. A, Wagon Haa Cirrl.d Bill That Would Covar Road Fifty Mlaa Vlda from Atlantla to Pk'i 8oma Comparltma. Wanhlnilon. Vlallora Id f anhlnit tol who biiro thotr eyoa ori any ace, onco or twlca a day, a blidoed wn-on wn-on drawn by Ihreo aturdy wbi borara drive up Klftecnth atreet tailback up aialnit tbe curb at one of lb en-Irancea en-Irancea to the treaaury tuartmcnL Tbnre la nolhlng eapeclaU dlntln-ulah dlntln-ulah thla waion from lata a 01 bora, rirrpt that thure are uamlirlwo men on the front arat bealde tikltlvfr and two olhr mm atandlng taihe back ii-p. Hut when the l aim noilcea tho number of packnitra latter tnkon oil the wnnona, tble nira coqilement of attendanta craara to occalim comment com-ment or aurprtae. It i.f rat a be quite natural, and tho com 1 11 m aid golnfa of the wagon attract little atentlon. Yut there la a romance atout that van which rrachra out 10 eery man, wouinn and child In the com try who haa alien! a dollnr bill or toy other amount In currency, for ttut matter, In the laat ti yenra. For rery piece of puper money that hu own laaued In the t'Dlti-d Hlntca diu-tng that lime baa Drat ridden In 1 bat taxon, and the total cquala all tht nxoey there la In tbe world to-day. A, A recent calculation aroiaced aome rattier remarkable comaitrliona. For Inalance, the report aan: 1 "It would take a ttrltic of bay wag-1 ona 20 mllea long to bold the money that haa paaard throuia Ula old van. It the pai-kagi-a were (tied one on top of the other they wouU make a monument monu-ment 16 mllea blub. It the bills were nlei-pd end to end thaitHae wnuld he 2T.0.OO0 mllea long, or eiual to ten tlinea the dlatnnce areini the world. They would carpet a road SO feet wide from New York to Ban FYancla-co. FYancla-co. Their weight In not would two-ply two-ply the averuK fiimly with fuel fur SMI yi-ara. Hud an o-rt begun count-lilt! count-lilt! I hit innrn-y In th'ilayt of Colum-bun Colum-bun he wnuld have ben halt through when I'renliii-.it Tall waa lliaugu-ruid." lliaugu-ruid." Hu It la mi her an Intereatlng old wngon after all. lia Upt are not long, nlilioinih llu-y are a Important. It briiiKn the cu'iv-nry tuoi tbe bureau of iiiKriivleg nnd puling, where tl In iirliii. il, to the Ire. ry depiirliuunt, n i.ui-ly luilf a mile nra. The money In 1 .1. keil III hiinill u h WelgllltlK 1.' j luiiiniU. and eaclconlalnlng 1.000 hli.'.-in with four bilk 10 the aheet. Tie- value of each aicknge depemla, of ioiiri.e. iiiuiii thtitenonilnallun or l'e" uf tin. bills 1 contain. One ! .1. IdiRi' whli-h u componvd alto-V alto-V ih. r of ttO.UOO blln and waa worth liii.i iiii.iui.i n, on hauled. That van 1111 rici'ptlfitial bundle, but even when lh til II are if the loweat denomination, de-nomination, one dolor, the puckngea are worth $1,000 unci. It la In i-iiiiM) nf ID value of lie tiiinln llun tlm old u$nn In accoinpii-nliil accoinpii-nliil by four mm. two In front nnd ln behind. Iipidiiiba driver. Uncle Sum la not luklnn tf chancea on a "hold up" i-vm tl lb- drive la ao abort. Km-h of Uit-ie nii-i la henvly armed and ready to tarkli any man or party nf ini-n Hint thoull attempt a "Wild Went" dlnpluy In a, neighborhood of the wni;on. |