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Show fERIAL STORY J lHElM I INFINITE I j VARIETY ) E.V Brand Wlut.ock (v; (lOir,l,l, 1WI, bj IK.1,0. ll.ii,,, ia. SYNOPSIS. n m.".".'" !!"!,',';!v'!,',",in'"v"":i iV'n,1",'. !','.'!,,!";;" ,!:,'. ,!;;', '!;",' 1 dinner II it ... . i, ,,, ,. i ,, .. . ,1,1 rnlJrr'V,:1;'''1'!',,!',; ,-.y:v,,1.: - . ,:. thill tMllht; for r. .;l., N. I:. CHAPTER III. Continued. VlT I ..cue, Iv I.Mew what I,) re fly; kii.Ii oh)e. iiiiiih na I,.- uitM I,., vi-finiiiil vi-finiiiil ut nihi r time, tin- nii miisi ii line nliji 1 1 : . 1 1 m to women's viiiiiik nnil mcddllm; In f.n'.f tii-M - li.nl nil 'I ' fl' li' i.f this t.-niaikalilc yonim nuii.un who w -ln-i in vine her If; In- iniil.l tint think or one ol them, try nil ho would, i .- wore on Ilit uvo. "I'i-iIki-m yt-iir i-Moi-Hon,. at.- in. r.-Iv r.-Iv plejllllioa," nlu- V. Hint,, I t,...ly. Ill her mm a latent twinkle i ln.t .lit, turlH-.l him. "I ' '' Ml Hn . n.-," he hoi;,,,, tiylnii to i-ct hull sonn-ihlni! nl lilf S-nnl.irl .1 dl.Mllly, ;,,, !.,!,. ,,.,. tnrl.il illi:n'ty In. "ili:,t I linn, not ,,.. vnti-il inni h iht.in:!it t,. it,., n i t i-c-1 : I am hull i-.l rather ashamed to m l.tinwl cdm- Hint I .:, inn ,.vo-i ;i,,v ti,.. nini'iitliiirni wim otnlm; up today, un til I wn nh--m ti. lli.-liiliilly reminded re-minded liy ynnr roo." Hi- raised 1 1n- rtiM- In Inhale It frn amino ,-im in:iii- nn ri'i.ly. lint she kept hi-r fin on him, nml li.-r mine rnniii,l,-il him tn nn on. It waa hnnl fur li I in In kii on. fur It wns now lint mrir.-u:i iiL-nltiat Hi- r.triiKilll y of n rr Ii-r Hint litnl I n Inevitable from tin- li- utiinliiu Hut hi man's pride forced hi in to tlt-luy It kii lone; as ponalhlc. "rthnt nasnrnncea hnve yoii from othur senators?" hi naked. "Thoudi. perhaps, I need not aak thi-y hove iinnnliiioiiHly tuounti'il your colors." Ho looked ut his eollenitiM-e, Bportlna tlu-lr rosea. Minn Grccno nave little exclamation of nnnoynnco. "l)o you think I ilnn't know," she nlil: "that I don't iimlcratnnd all Hint? I nilnht Iiiio known that Ihi-y wonlil tint ttikn It seriously! And I thowiht I lhoui,-hl lo put the mailer mi ens fly to thi-ni thnt I should ho spared the necessity of hutinulinlluii tin. in!" "It was n nnvi-l wuy of hiiiiiinholliiK them." In- Inu-tln-d. "Oh!" kIio culalnnit. riiit'lilns her brontli, "they wear the roses and f li iirh at tne!" Her eyea flashed thrnuch the mists or v. -ol Inn that sn-; l.-t tears. "You nre nil alnnn ilu n?" Vertiit-i anld thin In a low. aiillrltniia Iiti". iih If he were dcalini; with niuo tl ; Brl.-f. fl "And voti represent no ono that l, n (..-( . ty, no club?" "I nm not n paid IoIiIi.vIhi," kIio mil. I "'! on ;h I believe It l not heyund the -. t '-nlea of our profeKlon. I do I v.1: :t I do only from n lovo of prlnel-fl prlnel-fl I't". I represent only my (., she e .1.1 It linpii-hHlvely. anil Hu n Willi a e.ti. li It 1 1 1t huiKh that reroi!iili tl Hie M t' -itilrnl Hint tui.l h. en lii her nttl- t t 'e, cho nddt tl: "And that, I iusiert, T-I'hotii nulli.irliutlon." "The l.nllt-H, uoiii rully. do nut m i ni I tn he IntereHled." Vernon Uf-iil-Hi-i-il. I "Nn," kIio Khook her head niilly. "no, fl on the contrary, 1 auppio mint of fl I Ii-iii o.iiihi. thn metimiio " I "I have Ki neiolly found them of Hint fl fei llllK," Vernon tllnn-i veil. I "The hIiivc-k, before the war, often 1 In-1 1 1 li in t etiiiKremi not to let III. in I free, you will reiiii-nilier." fl MIbh (i n-e ne Kpnko with a bitter- 1 ne. Then quickly alie collected her 1 elf. 1 "Hilt your objerilons. Senator Ver- I nou?" alio mil. I. "Iteally, we muat Ket I down to buulueita." 1 Khe rumetl the little chatelaine 1 watch thin hiinit at her boHotu and I looked down at it. And then mi, Men I ly, without waiting; for hta objectlona, 1 aa If alio had quite forKotlen them In- 1 deed, she linpulalvely stretched forth I a Iim nil and anld: I "You will help mo wou't you?" I Vernon looked lulu her eyea. Ilia I (aie, after an Inatant, fell. He tried 1 to fun the atetn of the rose through 1 hla buttonhole. The tboma caught In 1 the cloth. 1 "You'll have to do It," he laid, help- 1 leaaly. I Krtim aonie myaterloua fold of her 1 habit ahe took a pin, and than, lean- 1 Ing over, the pinned the roae to hla I coat, pinned It with It long stem I hanKliiK, aa a woninn would pin a flow- 1 er to a nmn'a lapel. j " I "Thank you." lie waa looking Into j 1 her eyea aiealn. 1 "Hal her let me thank you," ahe aald. I 1 "It'a ao good of you to vote for Diy ' I tneaaure." I Hla eyea widened auddenly. He bad . 1 quite forgotten the resolution. She . I wiust have perceived thla, for ahe I i i i in ., ii. .i. hluslnd. a:id he hnatened to ninke auii-ii.K "I II tint only vote for It," ho rusho.l aln ml lui,iilnii.y. "hut I'll make a l'ei eh fur It' Ml'lllKhti lll-.l alltl I. an-. I away finin her in tin- a roper -r-n-.tiM, m whit 1, .lie .-mill admire In m I!- t.'H there amltliiK. ' Ho - p!. i.,:i,l of ini!" au. cried. "1 f" el -Ill-Kill ; now i Tli-i, Vi-inoira tat - lengthened, lie ta:nn;ei. , Hnt itnt ll have to Klve n - ...in ,h.t,i: .. iitm t kiinw a tlilna a't.nit nn- fiiiil-et " ' "It ' .he la mill. -.!. " hrntlKhf mime I ll-eia tin- ll h he at yoir ilia I I'.-.. I Ami new. I niu.-i he nlioiit my "o k f -ii viui make Hti aiiir-:-tioiia? 'fan n. tell in- wlli.ui I ah. nil, I ei,, ' I'.tin I .In, u, I ni,.ri at, , , n. j -all p-ill. I b-lleve .,u (all If" ! j "III l.ilni! them tn ynti" Veinotl1 ; aal.l "Y-i alt In t.- I la. .1.1 , ,t - j He rnae and )il ev,-a awept the ' haiiih. i- Thev lli-lit. , on Huiuh. nn. I i nil I.I. a Ml.l.h nil ealne to him. Ho ! v.niM i-iet liim.-n on H, una fr , all the all -hla of the aeaalnn, j '"' i ae you'll Iiiim- In a-e Sam, Poller, but I'll heuin by l.rlmslni! Sen I ai.ir Intriia -lainll!ai ly kliuwn aa Hull Hutu. " "I've read of lilm ao often In the i 'i' r." -he .aid. "It wi.ul.l be an expel lean- " V-in.,ii w. nt over to lltirna' a.-ul ami ton. In d him on Hie hnnl I. r. j "Ci.m- nn." I,, aahl In n t.u.e of j t'llnlll.-llrl a aklllj fur l liie ftom the altitude o hit, am lal ,:;,e, I,,: . y. All. I lor i. m e he w.i atli-e. a. till. The litirlv f.'llllW l, III til- KllBl lll-lrll't H.O. , and looked Imiulrlnuly. "Coin.- with me." Vernon anl.l: "tl.ere'a a t'hl(iu:o lawier bat k lu re who want In a-e you." Puma full, ,. I m ,, iit Inter V-1 ll,, ll b illed belnle Ml-. (inelie. Tin- otb-r men. who hail ipili kly n-i n-i in lied in her aide. ma. In way, im.l Ve'iinn anld: Mlaa (Ireetie. may pr. a. lit Sena tor Hiirna. of the l-'lral illatilit'.''- .Mia- Hieen.- a.t.., ,, ,e bll! ail liMiiile i - er. who liialantly Ham. .1 with einl.aria-.- in. in. libe isave him hoi hand, nml he took It In hla fat palm, earettilly. et be email It. "I lllll ll ll"hte, to meet Si t.a'III Puma: I'n lieanl of you an mien." a'l- aald. In iklua up at lit tn . "And do i.ni know I n. urn It a pthll-i-e to meet one o( niir nekmiwleilm ,1 I it II n em o III our at Ile a llllalia?" Vei iiun atn.t.l baek. dellKhteil In yolid llleaauro Willi Hie iiuilualon lino whleh liiiina lor niiee had h, i n hot rayed. The aemilor Irom the Klrat dlatrlrt H "Den I'm Wit' Vou." waa atruuitlliiK for aomo w-nrd to say, and at laal he broke out Willi: "Aw now, lady, don't be t'rnwin' do co:i Into mo." Tin men In the little group on that able of the ai-nute chumbi-r burat out In a huiuh, hut Iluriia becoiulim ami-(b ami-(b nly grave, and danm iinia nml lorrl-bl( lorrl-bl( hi hla gravity, they liroke olT In tho very iuI.Ihi of their mirth. The group heeaine all. -lit. "Iteally, Hem, lor Hums," aald .Miss (irecue. "thla la no ah coiilldeiiee mime. I aaauto jou." She rnau Willi a k-rnceful si p of her akliiH. Then alio went on: "If you will permit me, 1 ahoiild like to explain my mlaalou to you. 1 am down here to uak the senate sen-ate to nilopt a resolution that will submit an nmemlmeut to tho rutilltu Hon permitting Hie women of Illinois to vote at nil elt-cllotis. aa they vote at aehool eleetlona now. If you can give ll, 1 ahoulil like your support; I should, at least, like to tell you my reason a." Slowly ahe sealed h-ra.-lf again, saying: "Will you sit down?" Hut llin lis only stood and looked ut her. There was a traco of fear In ber fuce. "Do you want dta roaolution put t'rnugh?" ho asked, blutilly. "1? Indeed 1 do!" she said. "Is doro nnytiug In It fer you?" bo went on. "Why," Miss fircone sold, somewhat at a Iosh, "only Hint I am interested as a mutter of principle Id seeing It adopted. It would he a gn at day fot ti e If I riniltl go hat-k to (iilengo feel-Init feel-Init that I hail ha. I Juat a little hit to tin with nieh o reault." "Hi n I'm wlf yini." anld llnrna, and wheeling. In- went leu k to hla desk. M. (In-eiio wntibeil Ii I ut a nio meiil. ami thin luin-,1 to the ni-n their nun. beta aumii.-iil. d now by nihi ra win. had i tune up to aee Hilrtis In the pii aeiiee of aiieh a woman. The thine.- ahe caie ili.-in waa a ipieatlon. "Oh. he III. -ana It." anl.l Untune ol Whli.-i.le ii. il vote for the roao-liiHntl." roao-liiHntl." "Y.-a. Iie'a glv-n his word." said lllnwnwell of Conk. Vernon tb-veietl half nn hour to lirltiKlng h iiatnra lo meet M'iria Opine H nn not iHin.-ult woik. HieiiL-h II ha. I It. ill-a lii.tiuiu. a; It tllil mil till-w Veiinin In i-malli wllh Iter lollK at a time Hut at laat ll waa .loin-, nu. I be f.itiiul a tiionn in iilniio with her She liad given hint aoiini pan, phi. la on eitial aurTraue. "All It -tin iniiiil mil) iithlreaa the a. nate! ' he i-xi lalnu-il. Ill open ailtiit-ralloli. ailtiit-ralloli. And tin Ii. na If nil Inaplratlon ha, I e.inie lo litiu. ht atl.leil: "Peibapa 1 cotll'l aitaliue It; It has hei n ill m i -." She gaxpetl anil alretih"d out her haiul to stay htm. "(Hi. tint for all the world!" she pml.ate.l. "Hut inuil conn- nnd meet the lieu tenant rmennir?" "I'p tin te"" alu- aald. Illeredtllollaly, pell, ton: to the dala timler the llaga. "Why, ea." Veriinn niiawen-d; "why tiniT li s when- all Hie emlii-nt law-li law-li ra who ciiiiio tie w ti hen- to lobby alt " She looked up at the deak behind whleh tin- 1 1. u l .-nil in governor sat, awhir.lna gently in hla awlvel cluilr, while the aieitlnry read aeliale bills mi third r.-ii.lliiit. There waa a re-llletaliee re-llletaliee III her el. a. bat when aba etiuuht Veriion'a anil1,,, ahe gathered her akliia un.! aal I: "Well, If I must." CHAPTER IV. While Mba (Ir. eiio ant rhnttlim with tin- Ib-iiii tin lit I'luerniir. who glinlly lieuleeti-d Hie ilullea of bla high oftlee, Veiiion went out lino the rnltinihi, 1 1 1: 1 1 1 -1 a clgnreito, flaneid over the pauiphl. ta. and tried to arrange the heads of bin speech in bla mind. At the ihouKlit of the speech, Vernon Ver-non grew cold and limp with nevous-msa. nevous-msa. Ilia ham la ware clammy, hla knees tren.hl.-d, hla mouth hi ciiiiio dry an, I pan h . I. ami tho cigarette ho hud lighted Imparted all lit mice an evil tiiMte. Y.-t he amiiketl mi, and na he wandered around the rotunda, men ti inn both Initial-, paaalng lo and fro. greeted li I in. but they Bofinotl to him to he atrniigc new creatmea flitting hy In a tlreatn. If he waa conscloiia ol them at nil ll waa only as of envied beings, all on a common happy piano, fortunate ones who did nut huvo tc make a apoech within the hour, lie went over to the stale library, thinking think-ing thnt Its quiet would Buiithe, but when ho stood among the lull atacka of books ho auddenly remembered Hint he must not smoke In those precincts; mid so he turned out Into the rotunda again, for ho muat atnoko. lie walked round and round the rot tin. la. paualng at tlmea to lean over tho brnas rolling and look fur down to the main floor where the red light glowed at the cigar Miami ; ho siiuniereil hark Into the dim ami iiudlaliii bed corridors, hla mind racing over all the things be might suy. (Tn III-: coNTt.vt'rn.) |