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Show t r A ' .. V . COALVILLE TIMES STEAMERS COlUDE AND SINK OVERRULED: THE DEMURRER N. JACOB . pETERSON. Editor aad Manager. , ' COALVILLE - UTAH Many COAL MINE BRINGS SORROW TO MANY DEPENDENT UPON WORKERS. FIREfN UTAH STATE NEWS ' One'addrtlrina.1 Oklahoma Governor and Five Must Stand' Trial on of Frajdjlentfy SecurCharge ing Town Lot. "''Singapore. The (nail steamer La Seyne of the Messagerlea maritime service, running between J$va and Singapore, and on her way to thli port, collided early Sunday morning with the steamer Onda of the Britlsn-Indl- a line, and sank two minutes later. Several European passengers. Including Baron and Baroness BenlczM the captain of ta Seyne, five Euroothers, pean officers and eighty-eigh- t and passengers comprising native members of the crew, were drowned. The rescue of slxty-onpersons practically from the Jaws of shoals of sharks formed a thrilling Incident of the .wreck. The acclde-n- t occurred In a thick haze at 4 o'clock In the morning. The vessels were steaming at good speed and La Seyne was cut almost In half. There was not time tor ranlc nor for any attempt on the part of the officers to get out the boats. oniet teT nd Persons .Lose -- Their Lives, Being Rescued from the Jaws of Hungry Shark. Sixty-on- e Chlckasha, Okla Federal , Judge John A-- Marshall of Utah on Monday la postoffice. overruled the demurrer fled hv Gov. A heavy snowstorm struck Park Charles NY Haskell 'and five other City on the 9lh, the enow belnij about prominent Oklahomans to indictments 13 Inches deep the following morning charging them with fraudulentlv seThe new pout office building at Og curing from the government titleMus-to e a large number of town lots in len baa been finished and the la being moved Into Its new kogee, Okla. The deftn iants were ordered to apCherry, Ills Four hundred men and quarters. of a terr fl result as terlshed the for trial Saturday at Chiekasha. bojs Id pear a windstorm Sait During heavy In the ttt Paul mine ou Satof Governor-Haske- ll five The email explosion waa frame building Lake City, a A. Z. EngY. C. Turner. are picked up and toeaed onto an adjoin urday. V. R. Eaton, V. T. HuUhins and The mine has a day shift of 481 lish. lot. lag Of these a few lpft the mine F. B. Severs. In attempting to dismount from a men The The six men were Inl'c'ed by the horse at lintah, Roy Russell, aged 8, before the explosion occurred d ad othetx are doubtless federal grand jury at Tuba on May 27 fell Into a barb wire fence and was The fire causing the explosion, which scores of witnesses had after last, arms cut about the severely one of the greatest trag The witnesses came may summoned been prove Two masked highwaymen held up In the list of mine horrors, had of the United edles narts dbtant from a street car In the suburbs of Balt an almost trivial At (die of hay and a few from foreign counState lake City, early Thursday morning, allowed to smoulder too long finally tries. aecuring $24 60 from the,condnetor. ie Telephones to Hunt Bears. ignited the timbers of the mine and' The defendants were under IndictPennsylvania Farm -- The Midvale etty council- - hat orS - 'V before the worekrs realized their dan on the same charge before, but ment tiered that aH the principal streets ( ger the mine was filled with smoke, Marshall quashpd the first InJudge be named and appropriate gases and flames and all exit w?s Imthat plac? nn a technicality. The fedT-EJE dictments AGAIN -APRESIDENT design erected to dealgnate the mama. possible: FLOODS IN JAMAICA. eral grand jury promptly reindicted Directors of the Utah Oil Refining Great heroism was shown by oflL men, rectifying the fanlt whirh Record Rainfall Causes Damage Esti the company,- whose plant In- - Salt take rials and residents of Cherry These made the previous Indictments ille-trmated at Half a Million Dollar. In arguing against the last set-o- f City waa destroyedby fire recently, men. who were outside the mine when have appropriated money for HIV re- Abe firr started, contrlbujed five to Sleeps in the White House to the Indictments the defendants alleged Jamaica. From Kingston, Time Since August 6, Afto room and TWO MEN EXECUTED BY EN- fragmentary building of the plant. the list of the known dead by rushing arriving here Irregularity in the jury reports 13,000-MilCannan Lewis, who came from Into the mine, trying to save the Trip. RAGED CITIZENS AND THIRD from the countryside the damage re- pleaded the statute of limitations. V Wales to Utah In pioneer days and loomed men. " . HA3 A NARROW ESCAPE. sulting from the storms and floods LYNCHERS GO TO JAIL ' . r waa a who veteran of several fights that have raged throughout this IslAfter every effort to extinguish the A with Indians, Is dead at Ephraim, at flames had proven futile, the shaft of and since last Friday, is enormous. Sheriff and Jailer Also to be Punished Washington. After an abemfetf A portion of the railway and the coast the age of 69 years. the burning mine was sealed. ThiB more than three months, during i hkb for Failure to Protect Prisoner. Being angered because a large dog nded ail hopes of the escape of the he has made a 13.000 mile trip tkr ud Negro Slayer of Whlte'Girl Hanged, line on the north side of the Island For the first time In Washington. the West and South, Presided TA Riddled With Bullete and Burned, has been seriously damaged. Landhept them from breaking Into a store imprisoned men. hlbtor sl men are in prison American rail on main on the slides are numerous The St. Paul mine ie the only one In Ogden, robbers hurled bricks and While White Prisoner Is Taken Wednesday night Slept 4) to tor contempt of the sujireme court road and communication has been atones through the two plate glass n the town and provided employment White House. From Jail and Hanged. the United States. For the first of He left the capital August '!, for almost 1,000 men. Windows. bridges time the federal The robbers got nothing. completely cut off. Many government has also have been carried away. Among the missing are many Ameri- the cheers of the crowds ringtn Salt take la now listed among the men the behind bars as an outnlaced who hare lived in the mining sec- his ears. He returned Wedna In and around Kingston come of Property fifty largest postofflcea of the country cans a was This Ills. at the negro. Cairo, Ivnchlng city for years. Though the night to the tune of the same efc suffered severely, the damage sushad hereafter will be Included In the tion of Illinois At the United States jail here Capmercy of a mob on Thursday, two tained thus far of those who may never be but he tarried only & moment vl majority at estimated being of Salt business. monthly comparison tain Joseph F. Shlnp, former sheriff men being executed by member of au found alive are born, yet all The Intake and the main Hie T ohjcltie $500,000. parties, take displaced Allegheny, Pa., In the had their homes foreign at and,7blood-thlm- y infuriated here or In the sur- welcoming mob, I ChattanoogaL Jereniitih Gibson, his' m t e s w at waa the White House aid lit til v efts oflhflcLtxS er sy list 7" Grief point while- - third escaped with his life aticP Luther Williams, Nick "T rounding towns and villages. jaTTer," have been destroyed and because of A Balt take man has purchased a ver their probable fate has cast a pall Taft, and aa quickly as he" coulffi pt to the fact that he was not Nolan, Henry Padgett and William owing been has it from the brief the continued of away downpour speeches get distillery In Tennessee, and will move ver the community. Mayes of the same city, Monday aftercome, he climbed Into bis bw suit caught Impossible to effect repairs. It to Utah. It Is sa'd that the plant noon began to serve terms of Imprisconfessed a James, negro, Froggy Mm. Stslnhell Acquitted. mobile. The chauffeur broke all I th will be erected not far from Salt take Annie Pelley, was hanged of onment murderer CRIME. ADMITS MOTHERS ! Mme Paris. Margherlta Stelnhetl Speed records of the district. I ad that It will be In operation before riddled with bullets and burned after Shipp and Gibson had been found was acquitted by a jury at 12:56 SunThere was no demonstration V tbe first of January.' of falling to protect from a mob a thousand determined men had Murder Myetery of Three Year guilty hua-bnffiea of White House. her The day morning murdering special police The office of tbe Salt take Route El Johnson, whose legal execution for . chased for and Sheriff Davis the Cleared negro Up. Standing - and Oregon Short Line at Adolphe Stelnhefl, a noted paint- kept the curious outside the groubdx had been stayed by the supreme Murray has twenty-fou- r hours and seized the prisa rape Brodenheyer, Chicago. Henry court until It could review the case. within the past few daya been equipped er, and her stepmother, Mme. Japy. and when Mr. Taft alighted aoa'ra oner. The verdict after two quickly up the steps, he turned fer jeweler of Madison, Wls., who was The others had been found guilty of with a telephone service for train dis- and Henry Salznor, white, held for uxor-cld- found dead near his home In the sum- participating In the lynching of a feda a moment hours' half a waved and fan deliberation, during smiling patching. The new system completewas later taken from a steel cell ahich the Jury three times summoned well to FTed Carpenter, his secretary mer of 19UG, and who was believed eral prisoner. ly does away with telegraphing. In the county jail and hanged and to have been murdered by a robber, Nolan each Shipp, Williams and Colonel tab the and of Cap court the for Spencer Crosby president explanaFollowing simple but beautiful sershot by the infuriated men, who up was killed by his wife, Margaret, now were sentenced to ninety days ImprisArchibald two his Butt, thus tions, ali, that military the proving original vices, tbe body of Fisher Sanford Harand to that time were unsuccessful In cap- a onment, while Gibson, patient at the Dunning, Illinois, In- Mayes each received sixtyPadgett majority waa for conviction. Mme. who had accompanied him from jU Imris, one of the beet known and best be- Stelnhel! a Arthur days. Alexander, negro. turing sane asylum. This is the confession fainted when the verdict was station. loved men In tbe state of Utah, waa plicated by James as an accomplice In made by the daughter Clara BrodenCASH BOOKS DISAPPEAR. nnounced. laid to rest In tbe Mt. Olivet cemetery The Way They Handle Lawytrsf h the slaying of Miss Pelley. Chief of Police Assistant to heyer la Salt take City on Wednesday. Russia. Murderer of 8heephrdsra Will EsAlexander was at last found by the New Development In Case of Warriner Schuettler, of Chicago. Utah will be represented at the ChiSt. Petersburg. M. Gtllerson, cape the Gallows, police who succeeded in eluding the 62 was old, of the Big Four. who years Brodenheyer, cago farm land congress, beginning Basin, Brink, who leading attorney of thia city, haa letj mob by a ruse, had aroused the jealousy of his wife. Cincinnati. Charles L. Warriner, November 16, by an exhibit of j tbe was found guilty of murder in the condemned to a years lmprtsonn With the arrival, later in tbe day, She aatisfled herself of his Infidelity of the Big Four treasurer ormer jocai was and beat apples grown in the Brat degree In connection with the because of a speech he 'delivered of armed troops, further rioting largest and decided to till hlm. Bhe lured wa8 indicted on Monday by state, grain grown on dry andurri-- , killing of Joe Allem&nd and twq Ithe trlpLoLJh- - pT,tclaJ.orr'Yft igvoidedL The Vur thousand men him to an abandoned slaughter house ranroa(ji the grand Jury on charges of gran other Vrm. ,athi shwSptasieuie gated land and varlona tBtrTeTTkTeep Jewish massacre at Bialystok Glllr-so- n roaming the streets up until daybreak on an old tarm near Madison under " ". relarceny and embezzlement In the Awkii" which access to t saloons rf many appeared at this trial ascousel had country last April, has been senof looking over the property. amount of $5,000 on each count. Work lias been started in earnest tenced to death by Judge C. H. Par for friends and relatives of te Jew- mained open all night Mayor Parsons pretense There 6he shot him once behind the .While $634,000 Is known to have ish victims, of whom sevejtj-direby the booster committee of the Re- malAe. His sentence, however,-w- ill and the chief of police were unable and once In the forehead. been ear, right stolen, the startling fact was detail Merchants association. In the di- oe computed to life imprisonment by were killed and elghty-tw- o to close the saloons becauss they He died almost wunded. Instantly. The daugh- veloped by the proceedings- - that rection of furthering the interests of Governor Brooks upon presentation of The indictment were tue moo. at shut home tlllerson up by against ter admits helping her mother bury the tbe Greater Salt taka Food and companys cash books prior to charged that in his speech i court Soldiers of the Cairo militia finally the body. t petition which later will be 1S05 have disappeared, and that It will he had Irrelevantly Introduqd argu- went to guard the homes of the muniexposition, to be held in Sait by attorneys for the state. ments Incited which never be possible to tell the full SUGAR WEIGHING FRAUDS. taka City from November 23 to DeJorkmen cipal officers and kept the rioters In ! the government. against amount of the giant defalcation. cember 4. Burn some to Death. restraint. Lodgers Official of the Sugar Trust Important The father of Emma Rogers, the for- .The comparatively . - small - amount . .most In was . the Jatn?s. Three lynched . unidentified men Pittsburg eri Suffragettes. 8entenesd. to 111,. Which Warriner was Indicted Been Hae Indicted. upon Salt .taka girl who is ana of the Are dead, flve-othare seriously lncity London. Alice-Pa- ul and -I- mella prominentthe-arc-square tier pied suirlde at tas " h wm-merci"ATter ''months' of quiet has been New York st EtghTh TOnu aitd wotneir utbwh. The" window smash In mf. hung to Angeeby placed at that figure, so that, investb if conviction booting herself, has demanded an Instreets. work by the government from bruises and shock, fragettes, have been sentencedj each fails, the railroad authorWomen present were the first to gators, who have been scrutinizing ities may vestigation, declaring the aulclde Btory the result of a fire In a lodging house to one month at hard labor, on any other of the proceed hiring was hatched up to cover a crime, an- on the river front. When the fire When" tt broke, the the Ins and outs of the complicated numerous hefts In moor pull the rope. hfill Guild at the banquet other woman being blamed by him for broke out tnlrty persons were on asleep of the kings blrthdiyJTuesday fight, frenxy of the mob was uncontrollable, sugar frauds there came suddenly SHAKEUP IN SUGAR CIRCLES. tbe abootlng. In the building. Firemen aroused stones were thrown through a via and they tired volley after volley Into Friday the indictment and arrest of Every dairy cow In the state of them and carried the women and chil- dow of to official The of the him an the former body, pieces. shooting Important the banquet hall, the fiuh Will Be Boston and Philadelphia Utah la to be put through a test tor dren to safety. Bodies of the unidenmob then dragged the body over the American Sugar Refining company, Aeked to Pay Back Duties. tuberculosis germs by Dr. S. u. nnm-balL.- : tified foreigners werenotd!scovered of glass Interrupting the speett ot streets for more than a mlleiq Jhe charged.. jbtUIl.. conspiracy .u,dIraud thejord mayoL Tho affalr provd to New York. While the legal maan expert of the agrteutfuraT-de-partmen- t until SttBday'ttnei'hoonTwhenpersons bea suffragette demonstration ad scene of the murder, where It was the government by false weighing of of the government mover, at Washington, working with clearing away the debris found them two offenders were arrested. chinery burned. sugar. Utah state, county and city officials. under a stairway. slowly, the air ofx uncertainty surThe man arrested Is James F. Succeeds Senator Johnson. No charge will be mad for examinaDream Causes Trouble for Biehop. sugar fraud tor -- more than thirty years rounding the D. Fountain L N. Bismarck, Shot by th Cook. foreshadow tion of the cattle, the most of the ex& cases is InterpreiedXtd tne of because Havemeyer Vienna Just superintendent Bishop Cando.-N- . D., was en an which with the pense falling on the government. Inquiry Detroit, Mich. Samuel F. Morley, Thompson of In the majrank Elder conof not Williamsburg, refinery Nish, Servia, could An Ogden 'railroad niau uemares farm manager of a large estate on Wednesday appointed United Staes trol his of the Ameitcan Sugar insurance upheaval of 1905. Is he for plant trial largest facing dreams, were Boston and that althourh the coat of double-trackinBloomfield hills, near here, died FTd senator by Governor Burke, to fill eg Philadelphia treason. It is announced, and will Refining company. It is regarded as within the scope, of the Inthe Denver 4 Rio Grande between day from being shot, accorulng to the unexpired term of Senator Join, high brought that Bedernagles resigna- vestigation on Monday, with the rehave 'a lot of explaining to do before significant Ogden and Denver would be Im- his dying staiement, by Bertha IJet-say- . son. Who died tnree weeks ago. Tl he can square position with the govern- tion from this responsible things Mr. of that the government Vould atThompson, appointment mense, It Is tbe opinion of many railThe woman wanted to many was announced by the company only port misment. The feood made the bishop was of tempt to obtain back duties on sugar a us something road men that this will be started hitn. Morley said, and shot him be- Democrat, was He arrested Friday In those cities, while the investigaThursday. cause he refused her. Miss Lletzay, prise, as he w as a dark horse" fi take of not having an ordinary- dream. afternoon. within the nxt few year. tion went on- - in New York with reIn his vision he saw a revolution In announcement race. The In was the who the cook the Is , at farm, With a In rumors of reaching men htgh-e- r peated the of Belgrade, of Victim Feud. JaU. a deposition King Sixth fi conference made after long tbetr possession and carup. U8 and as the leading Democrats of thitor proclaiming king of for San Francisco. The feud between tridge belts, Fred Bremer and Ed. mer Crown Prince George. The dream the Yee Attacked Wrong Men. state participated. Court Denies Gompers Appeal. family. and the On Ylck tong, Stewart, two lads not yet 18 years was so unusual that he made the ad- which has Utah. of In murder Ogden, the resulted Disregarding the, on of age. hive been arrested In Ogden Scaffolfi. Portland Attorney Dies Washington. The court of appeals ditional error of talking about It. Are-msince the beginning of the of the district of Columbia on Monon the charge of larceny, aad K la be- threats and leveled guns of Jtwo A. James Ore, Finch, Salem, King Peter's minisvers consider the masked highwaymen, who entered claimed its sixth victim Sun- day denied an application maim lieved they are responsible y for a their lawyer, was hanged here Friday for dream aa a part of a propaganda In month, of shot dead counsel for Samuel Gompers, John business Yee Yip Wo-waplace when night Saturday umber of petty burglaries. day of also murder the Ralph Fisher, favor of Prince George. In the Chinese quarter. Gee Gong, Mitchell and Frank Morrison, sentJames N. Kimball, one of tha old-sa- t and commanded them to throw up lawypr, In Portland. November ' 21,! their WilThomas hands. and George a Chinese, not known to be an On enced to jail for contempt, for a stay members of tbe legal fraternity son. 1908. Finch waa . pronounceu deafi! Bay Cannon Must be Crazy. n grocers, gave battle to the Ylck man, but member of another In the issuance of the mandate to the of Ogden, ana regarded aa the dean the of th after minutes four drop and one of the men New York. HermanRldder"of the which powerful family, was arrested near supreme court of the district of Co-th-e of Jhe locai bar, -- waa sentenced to after a hard captured for The other man trap,. The crime fight. scene of the rhooting and charged iUmbia until January 2,1910. Unless- revs' thirty days In the county JaU escaped after he had fired once, bare- Finch was hanged at the notice of an appeal Is given' before of tor contempt of court by District ly Salemwa-the-laytngta next Friday night, the mandate will vf,P B. Fisher, prosecutor ot the Oregon1.'. Judge!. A. nowell. The order was of Infant Mortality, Prevention that be handed down Saturday: Rldder had promised later rescinded and Mr. Kimball reState Bar association, on 'November feet Mr. Cannon the support of .certain New Haven, Conn. As a result of ta Porie. Ind. In a pitchfork duel 23, 1908. . leased. Murdered By Tramp. New York conference on prevention of Inprominent1 includIn Stark county between the papers, Clarence Tbe Oak Creek Orchard .company, FriS. D. Mrs. Albert NelMrs. U. 8. Grant Dead. re ended Vermillion, his In which own. the camnational fant ing mortality, which Is to plant an Immense orchard Bennlnghoff and John W. Rank, S. Grant paign. provided he would see that day, a society for the study and pre- - son was killed In her bedroom early U. Cal. Mr. San Diego, to each farmer, living adjacent In Millard county, believes that' ot her. Bennlnghoff received tnfnHca Wife of . a son of the late Prestm byatramp laborer hired topulp would h ventlon, of Infant- - mortality waa for- Monday the next few years - which" some do extra work on the Nelson said on Saturday: morning. will probably prove fatal. His Grant died Wednesday of apoplexy. moved, The mally organized Saturday will run a closSjsecond to the nrlgham false. Cannon Resolutions drawing attention to the tarn. Mrs. Nelsons husband was body Is a mass of wounds Inflicted She bad been an invalid for years. xtory Is absolutely sufCity and Cache county orchards in by the tines of the fork Rand wield- She was the daughter of the latejten-ato- r most be crazy to make such an d need of the work on the question aroused and killed the man, but ' fered himself. fatal ed. Rank Is under arrest point of production. probable injuries statement and Mra. Chaffee of Colorado. were passed.' The news comes to Salt Lake that Case Against Mae Wood Dropped A Polite Highwayman. Pushed Wife Off Bridge. wrhea David H. Moffat-- ' returned to Captain ef Steamer Uses Shotgun President Taft Discusses From tho Calendar. With . Effect . Tailing Denver a few days ago from New Salt take City. Just after stopping X Sugar Trust Frauds. Indianapolis, Ind. Edward Hoff, a " New York.-YM- ae C: WV)6dr ihdlcted A Y orX. h declared that he would la. h. .the hands shotguiK of ItTiecame Conn. known fxrmefrhas"'Confessed"'t6"'lhetice Hartford, cew" tlnna the construction of bis road to Captain Cooper of the steamer Han- E. Rlchlns and Mot orman E. Rlchlns that the body of the woman found in here Friday night that President Taft on charges of forgery and perjury In Elt take, and he u complete nah P. Mull, which arrived, Sunday of the Wandamere car were held up the river near here Monday was that on his trip from Washington to Phil- connection with her suit against r Thomas C. Platt, to whom from Progresso, Mexico, proved suc- by ..two masked highwaymen aad ot his if- - He confessed that he th line late next fall. adelphia Thursday night, discussed she alleged she had been married, did Wlckersham Samuel H. Cava, who opened the cessful In breaking water spouts that robbed of $24.50, at 12:20 oclock had caused her death by pushing her wit- h- Attorney-Genera- l ot appear when the case was called When fifty Thursday morning. Starting the ear from the bridge of the Indiana. Union many first merchandise store at Terrace, threatened bis vessel. sugar phases of the Utah and who later moved to Ogden, miles off Cape Hattaras last Wednes- and commanding the unarmed men to Tract! oa company, whl&' crosses the trust frauds in New York City. The here on Monday. On request of the where be baa been prominent In day the steamer encountered the re- stand still, the highwaymen, after giv- river at Broad Ripple. Just outside conference, t is said, had largely to prosecution the case was marked off civil and political affairs, is dead fol- cent westerly hurricane In a mild ing the conductor and motorman a the city. Hoff, according to his con- do with the recent decision adverse the calendar. Assistant District Attopl4 form. Six water spouts reared Havana cigar apiece, jumped off the fession, became angered because his to the government, rendered by ney Garvan said It was doubtful lowing an' Operation for aa abdominal out of the great aea near the steamer, but car Into the darkness and escaped. wife insisted upon taking morphine. Judge Holt In the United States court Mias Wood would he tried, owing fo ailment He waa. bailiff at the Seo were the captains Descriptions of the men have been They had bee in Indianapolis' on of New York. It practically was de- the unfavorable coadltlon of former disintegrated by and district court whea be died. d shots. Senator Platt. furnished the police. the afternoon ot Friday, October 22. emed to appeal these cases,- . clerk-i- carrier have been added to the force After Every the Provo Effort Had Been Made to Extinguish Flames, Up and AH Hope of Escape of Entombed Man Abandoned. Mine-J-Seal- ed post-offic- e or-gl- - UHUFJOB al -- e -- - -- , - d e, Wyo,--Herb- ert v ' -- e pro-tente- d -- sald-tonav- e -- -- -- d Nik-ador- e g -- - - bait-doze- n well-fille- , , V d - Pe-whl- en s high-wajrne- penltentlaqJ ' -- ab-ajr- i . hos well-aime- , S' |