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Show IN HAN0S0F MOB; TWO MEN EXECUTED BV EN-RACEO EN-RACEO CITIZENS AND THIRD HAS A NARROW ESCAPE. Negro Slayer of White Girl Hanged, Riddled With Bulleta and Burned, While White Prltoner la Taken From Jail and Hanged. j Calm. Ilia Thla clly wna at the mercy of n 111, di nn TIiuimIuj. two mi n behiK ev.'ciiii-d by m.-mt ra of uti Inltirliited mid blood thltaty molt, while a third eacapi ,1 with hla life owIiik to the fact thai he wna not cauuhl. ' FroKuy" Jniiiea. n tie,;ro. cnnrcaHc.l murderer or Annie I'.-ll. y. wua hanu.-d riddled with bull' 1 n und b11111.1l lifter a IhoiiMind determined men hud rhaaeil Hherirr Duvla mid the neuro for tw.-iil) four hi, ura and eelted Ihe prla-oner. prla-oner. Henry Hnlri.or, white, held for uxor-ride, uxor-ride, wna Inter liikeu from a aie.-l cell In thn county Jail mid hummd nnd ah.it hy Die liifnrlaleil men, who up to that lime were iinaucceaHfiil In cup-lurliiK cup-lurliiK Arthur Alexnnder. a tieuro, lm-I lm-I pllcutcd hy Jniiiea ua nn nccoiunllco In the alnyltiK of Mlaa Pcllcy. Alexander wna nt laat found by the pollen who aucceeded In rludliiK the mob by a ruae. With the nrrlvnl. Inter In the day. of armed triaipa. further rioting waa .avuhlc.a The hur thoilaiind men roam 1 11 K the alreeta up until duvbrenk ! bnd acceaa to tunny auloona which remained re-mained open nil nlulit. Mayor I'm a, ma and the chief of police w-nrn uiinble tu dnao the an Ion 11 a becniia limy were nli 111 up nl home by Ine neni S,, 1,11cm of Ihe ( alio mllltla iln.illv w-ent to iiuiird the homea of Hm iiiinil- . rlpal oniccra and kept Hie rloteia In aomo reafrniut. Jamea waa lynched In the 111, ,al ' 11ron1l11.nl aqnnie of the clly iitid Ilium to Ihe nrcli at Klliih mm ,,111 ' tuerclal alreeta. j Wiillicn preai nl were the llrl lo ! pull the rope. When It broke, the rreniy of the uinb wua iiticontioll il.le. und they fired volley nfler voll. y Inlo the body, aborning him to plecca. Tim mob then dniKUcd the boilv over the at recta for more ihmi a tulle, to the arene of Ihe murder, where It us I burned. |