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Show IDLL CORN FOR HJLMIHG Farmer Should He Able to aJaHy Know Good fcr When H4 Meea l-I)eacrlptloa o 1 Ileal Kind. Whi-n a farmer aelecuj corn for planting he elinuld be alia) tn roily know a kimhI ear of corn whi-n ho teea It. The fnllowliiK darrltlon ahould niuililv the careful obaervtr to make KihhI anlnctlona: Authnrlllna have dm-Uled that the hnat form for an Ideal par ilioull be aa nnur a cylinder aa ponlblo. It ahnulil he about 10 Inrhei ling and about aeven Inrhea In rlmimfirenee. or at Innat thla ratio ahnuld be aa nnur imrnllnl aa pnaalbla and th limine ahould grow well ow y lip and hint. The gralna ahmild be wedge ahnpe and their length ahouM be at Innat twice their width. The cob ahould be amall, from M to 9t per rent, of an ear of corn ibtmld be grain. In ynllow corn the cot ahould hn red nnd In white com It uould be white. If one dnalrea hla con to have high protein nintniite the nnn or hciirt ahould be large. If bmI Ii to he made the white nr alatthf end ahould he large. The grnlai ahould I he II rm on the cob and the hi ihould he tlrui, aollil and heavy. Te gralna of II di'iit" varletlna will ke mora or l.'.a wrinkled on the outntlp, oth-nrwlan oth-nrwlan thn aurfiine uf the w ahould he am, mill and gloaay. A dad oolor uaunlly Indlratea luw vltilu, |