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Show ilUi i). l.ULLLUa,, - i j Prosrer.s ci a Great ; Instiraticn. 1 h r.r:. .v.-. Y..cr.2 (.'..:-. i-ta-.Uii,; f-i !"t; !i 1 j r .- dartre '.L- I'!'": a-ix. 'I l.-r? ar now e!n ;.- :.t. "i,r !'.-!, hi, 1 .,',1 , , I It : th- r. -r-i". :.!:oy of ti C..1:- to r lu'.t-'Si.e l.il. ( !;-oi !;-oi ;.pt;'tl lL,tr.-i-ti f l e j -.'i-l-. Vr.-.st i'.y 1 u-'-.-r. :-! tr,t.-r r-t-ed It 1-t its air.i to H-Vi !? a 1:1'- ri'. Ktd tl.-r -i-U rdu.-sti . -mi-bricic t-ot oii.y txifut-il dieoi-pl'.Ee dieoi-pl'.Ee ai.d j.iiMtlo: triiuiiiu. b'lt a:.d c; .:r.tul cul'.ur-, k t.c of-ciiil J ait of t!. deV-!o,:iient of a pyc.mctrxal cbirctT. TbolieHl htuJi-t. ri ire-icnbed ire-icnbed ia all tL course, 'lbei Htudeutsa'-i iv.iir-d to "H-nl . d?votiVj&l fy-rcis-e dai'.v, excej t I Saiur liy 1 Sii'j'liiy. ; Tbrf f pttni; iWitAj atJ tobncco is forl:.'.d-u. I TU-? stuilui ar eucnur7-'il to ntteiii SuLiUy ScLc-.l. Mutu;il lmvrov. ait-ct to-f titc. i o1-" ieliior.8 gat b'-ncK. A J.iDomtic ooni'tiii'.te- a-fits tLe I'r-silent iu lo- kicg Rtttr the Louie lifi of thi j aluit-L-.s. rcrot of eo t.-a Vrsf, whoJ for r.i-5oLa enti-f ctory to the". Coinci!. deir t.) vurna om-i ac-cial lice cf study. luay be a I- j niitt-d &o p.-cil '.a l'i)tf. pro- i vid -d tb.y a'. evidence of ability to do ctdiiaLly tbe work degired The course of atuJy H con-! nut of Tbeoloev, lat-nmr. IV log, Aritbuialio, IreoorapDy, 8 Hintory. and l'-cmaosbtp. TLo9 wbocomplete tbi work will he admitted to tbe Academic, the Normal, or tb DuBicee Coure. Following are tbe faculty and instructor, arranged in tbe- orJei cf e-Llority of ftppolutmeLt. .J&rue8 Lloi ry Lii-f r !, D. ). S. l'r'.deDt. lJr jf' saor ft: .'x.ot'y at.J lv.tacy. jcot) I raLkhn Miller 1). 1' . j . J ... 1 p.i.tnr. I'l(,fcie- or of Hit.ry aud l'olitical fcd- Dauiel Tbom Md'.cr. D 15 8.'crctiry of tbe faculty. Prefer of Latiuuat:'"- . , Wton Wrnou. A. 15-. prof.or of ELliab Laufruatf-.itid Uitera- tUMoaiab Hall. B. S.. 1.'b.. Tro-feasor Tro-feasor of the bcieuco ai.d art ot 15. 8 . ProiVa-wr of Mubewnic .K Tb.tcber. Jr.. Po- icum feasor of music. . Hrber K.uil-all M.rnl! 1,. 1 .1.. II.e.ructor laSkeep.n, and Couiuit-.c.al , L Albert Earnest Dow.n. In.tn.ct-, "AnKdCa.Iobn.oc.lu-tract. ''ai'U M. llarri, Icotructor Matilda Prtter.on Critic le and instructor ia rm.l "iSifirxkero-n Wright, lo- "s;, 1- - Will.HU Henry Cua.ut 1). Ii.. A B.. lutlructor iu -w j tfyYir,inia AJollo 15u,l. In.truct-j or iu Ecv-liah. .. jr ln. j .tn.ctoriuCbwi.Uy. SeC.J E.r L-wwl,M,Vr,:l i n.tructor I rjtary to the P-. - .-titmc harrSrowcAut- ".Sirice Criamoo. Artl.i r Porter, .J-i-' toduu. |