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Show Local Briefs Mr. John Needbsm wa icme-Ul icme-Ul improved jesterday. For Sale Lucerne and mixed Lay. iD jaire at tLis olice. " Cheapest and best garment at U!l and Jacolson' Knitting Factory, 3r J Street. J5 Mr. John Dowen Las been ter; ill the past few day. C V. Hanson paper hanger and interior decorator. N'ataraliz'd citizen moat take their naturalization paper to lbe registration cilice. Nr. Koy CarJon is ablp to h around sain after several days il'neas. Mra. Miry Bir.lno hu arrived from Arzoua and will vml in Logan fur tome mouths. School sboe, good and cheap at Jo. Newbo!d $ F.egitr on Oct. 9, 10, 1C, 30 and 31. Hon. S. A. Langton went to Salt Lake Thursday. Good Timothy hay wanted at the CacL Knitting Work. U LUrb wirt, in any rjuanity at the Cocp. Wagon i Machine Coru-pany. Coru-pany. J Clotbicg, bats, cap and Gents Furnishings, trjnks, Talie etc., at Jo. Newbold. S The will of Jen Nielsen.' de-ced. de-ced. was filed for probate Monday. Mon-day. The estate is valued at l .400. Mr. Kate Needham ecd Mrs. Mary Hanson, of CardstoD, Cac-ada, Cac-ada, are viitiug relatives in this county. I . Mewart want bonse and roow to rent. List your ral estate es-tate with him if yoa wish it sold. On Monday Governor Wells appointed Mrs. Ktnma J McY'iker state sitperniteudeot of public instruction. Candidate A. C. .N'eUou urged ber appointmeoL Iliil yonr fowls of mite sdi! lice by usiijp Tbanf lice and Creo-I'arbo. Creo-I'arbo. For bale tv l'.iter Uros. l)i ng Co. Laid 11 Hill, 27, cf Mill Creek, and Malina 8orenaon, 27, e f Mendon, r granted a mar nage license, Monday. x ostmastt-r Manlock annonnree there are unclaimed h tt-rs for the following: Lben 11. Lavis Ls.j, Mr. 11. O. Kirkbri le. U'A) pei month and expenses can te ma le Ly a capable woman. Permanent position . L'xperieuce unnecessary. Write at once f..r particulars. Clark A Co., 234 S. 4tb St.. l-hila., 1'. Mis Annie Budge, who bus been our ronltDsster for years, has left far Logan, where she will make L r home for the winter. Miss Lillian limine will now preside att'ncle Sam"s rraihug counter in this city. 1'a.ris I'cst. Iihlpb Jeneon rf Tiovidence bench was accidt-ntallv shot thmoph th foot with 22 ritle yesterday. Four roomed bonae. cook Lons ; flc. , for sale cheap. One block rr"h "f I 't'au Temple. L'nqmre hi Smith Uros. !; ;' The spankers af. the 'tabernacle laat Sunday afternoon were LlJers A. (i. Larber and Joaeph 11. MorreiJ. Lld.r Morrel! go-s -hst f r:hnh to take a course in medicine. Mrs. lr. Bcyntoo will oreani.e AVon.en's H 'pii t.lu an i !uls in Nrwtoo this evening, in Trerjtun Thurciay evenir.B, in Chrk-iton Frid-.v even, ins and in Covtvilie Stnrd:iv tvfcinjf. The la ly gots t j M ilurd countv next ?ri u, asi,t m the or. ganition of clubs thcr?. Danit-lson Mannfeoturing company. com-pany. Logan, plow, firt prize.' premium gold medal; No. 4. haystacker, hay-stacker, first premium and di-j jloma; No. .. haygathernr, first I'remium and diploma, were among! the rcujlums aai Jed at the state fair. I . ... . . . I o ( heap Shoes, but good shoes cheap. New sto k, lat-at style, for tfc.'U. women, and children. Vici kid, enameled and patent leather. Perfect fit and solid service guar-ranteed guar-ranteed good wear Warranted. F'ree repairs, or bo replaced if found defeciive. Andreas Ptter-on. Ptter-on. M. OIiwd, Manager. Al tut meeting of the Ladies Re. putiiican iiur lai Monday evening Mrs. Win. Ennnhsm was tlecUd second v c-pre;deot and Mis Annie Fjlds: 1 accreUrv. A considerable numberorcew nirnj(rs wereenroiled Beautiful song's were rendered by Mra. 13. A. Petenon sad Misaes Ann e anb Mamie Fjeideied. U e top Hughes is down to t-onfreo'.fri!o Mectioo. He vor.fesa- w.thout s h.'u,b tbt be ha been a pretty bad n,aii al! b;s lift up to a few rf.TS a-i. -Wev," he savs. "In tte oi d days I was a Ih-mocrat and an remember when I thought it was H.e genuine po.ilical gosp. Hut 1 teia to drcp upon it an I upou my. Wl1 fro' i whi.e ajo and ttis year things fcave ia-ou, so toub tLat 1 Cnally determined to draw out of tae t'ii:ues. Ai.d now 1 see wiikt a "!&; 1 o.M i lot 1 wss po lonc' atJ jrsy for .' ,v, n-. a."T:.luLt |