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Show POLITICAL rOLVTS. Juicy Jots ot thepres-ent thepres-ent Campaign I : Many secessions Br rontarilly kwun uiH.le to 'be uhli. au ranks io ibu county. In addition addi-tion to thoee mentioned .Mit iteue, j Mr. liuiotl.v Dvi i.f Logan ! lbird mmd. Mr. Joseph Ilfdford Chairman L'lmr recently announced an-nounced that tbe lemocrata ffe all harmonized, lie is Coding bey were harmonized iato the FepublieD party. John la Gray iJiion, tbe youDg gent'ecnan who wa. nominated I or .tate Treasurer by tbe Jiepub-! Jiepub-! licana ia nconf tbe best knowQ I and uirt highly esteemed resi-id"Dtei.f resi-id"Dtei.f Provo. He ia treasurer I f tho Taylor Furniture company, j superintendent f tbe stake Y. M. 'M I. A. He is intell-en, courteous court-eous and Iioneot to au extreme degree de-gree an l ia sure Io he elected. He -f I "g-n eTi ntli ward, aud Mr Elijah Larson oi Covevilie have an- louji'hI llieir elauuoh adherence to Kepubllcamnn Met-srs. l'fd Turner and John E. Csii'.-le vr! rec-Ltly auijouui-ed to tellepuh-j hems, and wtn'.. n-itl)r mould j j Rtlirm this etateiieut when seen j yesterday, " neither mould deny j Ii'. It legiusto look as thougni jibe Demoirits mould move loj 1 m-ke Cache county uui iiDousry j I republican. miil make a most f fLoient cliicer. A treat many Democrats rushed j f.irvraid Siturda to d- ny tbe, alalement ia our last ii-e that' Mo8.a TLatcber i a Socialist. However, Mr. Thatcher ma le a I apeech btf.ire the Millei's asso- J ciaiioo in Salt Lake od that dav1 in which h favored truists andi Hooia'iitic'trinciples; aod yesterday yester-day Journal maf compelled to announce that Le would apeak in I tb io city khorlly od Sociahem. I. C. Thoreson of T'yrom is asj onti lent fat ever. He prt diets ibt Cacht: wi'o go Democritij by a l-irje maiortty. TbH h)k well lion. Arthur Pratt came to Lo-; gaD yetterday on LuBinees. I f. r the P.epuUican. Mr. There-1 hOU made tbe aaiu-J Toolieh pre. j diction all through tbe ftmous' campaign f "VW aud was himself sowed nn.br. His pr-diL'tioct-1 will prove aWe this y ur jattt a j they oid then. , P.ishop John P Wr.Lt i tr ll-i ir.g a gorxl 1orv on I'ln ie Si, aw (,l llvrui.i. I'ntle Sbiw m-r.r m t-, tiiw pot-lolV, -e hi H vrit'p h f -w ttve ago Hud e-i le.l a l;,-;,.il.!, mii I a ! i,U the ft. ll.tr . f M't U-..- P-tro.. . the court- till" !'! k " vl:v 1 l . " tjcii a IS.o-1." J- b.lft-." '. ' 1 ' ' ..'' ' ' vr'n ' '." oji-IMlH Pen. ll. he re 1-! 1-! n." he asked. " do'it see ji.' There ie a inemeuto of (. eviaiil ad'uinietration," said Mies !'.en"ii, oiotioc t' a pHti-ti ou tier t ll'.fe aiir.o. Lucie SL retired mi;L-oit mi;L-oit farther remark. They do say, by tit- wav, lr;at' the f iends of I'pfU Sim me-, very m l' h dl-lu'lted ov-rlo-" leal lu tbe 1) m Mn'i. r. fv ntiot,. 1 il- Ii-. w trk d all 1.4. I f f. r Ii pnrtt and I. at never l-!o Hny t f-tc- lu I'a. be c ti'iit.' f "in tl.f :4r . Th -y m ut-tn that lie enlitl t ! r I l-rati'Oi: .. I f a'ed bt- P---ri .M lHtf..timi. 'eC I 1 1 V' , ...ed HH I P .puli-t. sh ."e f i. ... r tiat p Mt-A.' loir kfi- I'jr u.e j '; in ratio tu ke. ou . 1 ctioti da. |