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Show MILLIONAIRE IN TROUBLE. Famous KL.n.l.krr ife Ssks for 1)1 ...tr. s.d I.e.. i.j. Kate Carmack, wife of I'.eorge Car-mack, Car-mack, the Klondike millionaire, lias filed a suil in California for divorce, alleging desertion and infidelity. She demands half of the community projv-erly. projv-erly. which coiisista of valuable Klondike Klon-dike mines, real estate ia Seattle and elsewhere, and large bums of money deposited in llollister. San Francisco and Seattle banks. The pr..K-rty ia appraised at 81.r.oo.(Ho. Carinack proposes pro-poses to contest the su.i, and a sensational sensa-tional trial is anticipated. |