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Show Vy.--;V The v"--prX two i ,;v! !'s ''sJ, toHUMU T-JV -T Pride of JaPan 0&0$ FURNITURE Best Goods lowest Prices Wm. Sd wa rcs, I 'um tri(, opposite Tlialcber' UjdW. Gloslno Out sale l . 0B My entire stock of Boys' and Kim. v. Hen's Underwear, 'lies, iaoiu and Children's Shoes, and Jewelry at Cost, to make room for my Groceries Gro-ceries and Crockeryware. ISAAC SMITH'S Cull Pi'l for n(1 lul,r)r- ' J Local Briefs j1 i;-Kiit"r. i On Stindav- at 1 ll .hlay. tbe (;,neral D-iiv.ry t.d MHtiip win-dow win-dow will V opeu frota 11 1j urtil 1 2 1 -- f t.. , , n ii Register. ' I. will hut,.ri' you ' ep-rien-ath. Jn..S bta'ned i.y the dainty ,T,d fan...-, little r..tl knon aa De Wi'f l.ittlf Karlv lliird. f.) od. (irmery A I 'run con.paoy. HESRi G. HIYBALL Mdii.nswid t- "1-"' ,''i,i'',' """I 7, V-al to Marve then.- rfb;;,.vi vn: .at and allow rMheJ''''J1',Knt- llfdlC"U, ,.;,r-iimachtroiiU. oP iiroc-r, ilru4 company. TO THE DEAK-A rich la.'.y cured of U l)eafne.,at,d No.,? u ,b, tlad by Dr. Artificial EDr0.B to hi Institute, eo V , ple unable to P'" 6 f ffi Ktsbth Avenue Sew Yoik. I,," it children like it, M,er. en, n.-e . i ( )r Mm. j old folk, u- t- J. .1 ir.K kl) cur .,V.C..U2h I "re. I- I j"Cu i"'i) Unu company. Will Give Away One iiou Newman Bros. Orgaa You8et.c to wia it w,..U every oo.Uf. worth of purcbMed at bta SUire. C.;, and bear Ue concert tbat -.11 be K.ven ever, S,l.r-day S,l.r-day afternoon. Remember tb. place, at ltcnfY . ay'bairs, 2d St y lis Gentle Crip Classes .ler n.. . jD u, '- niTu r'. know ho. ,ad.h.. jottiiliy & Johnson The N J"1 SU"',, v, . o N.xtto Meal MaraC, Mun ia It You Think i i.yeat.iMtelhea.ivanUtfe of f ira -t. .ric before aef ..Hered hy the I l, ,t. of travel. ,,teiy deoidiKe' J"" u,pment and yu .d find iVflct ..can be r,ut.l ; .thereto you will found.and in o, y hour, reach y"' W. can prove tin irr,Bo,.nc1eni-e. " 'ard invite your jr. , till .i .U "7r..!;.." 21 " 1'ula'tentioo n a - ))p. tr.(,.r an Mention - ',r.1)(i ch.c.-" at round trip r'" r ' ore fare t " ''o - --' Cellonrotirne-re-lt M (orther .n . t L' l'-f.ab. |