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Show i 'Pernor amc Society Woman in L g 'it house. Fur the p.ist six yi rs, the 1. gat-house gat-house ke j.er at Point I'.nos. at Mon-teiey. Mon-teiey. en the radSc emit, haa been r . w Mrs. Kmtly 3. fish. Previous to her acceptance ac-ceptance cf the. govrnnent po I-tion. I-tion. Mrs. Fish, who Is the widow of a former sur-tfon sur-tfon In the United ' States Davy, lived, in a beautiful massive mas-sive house In Oakland Oak-land wcl h was the cnter of gay lifd and many Impjrtant social functions. The home was noted for Its elegant exclusiveness. the perfection of lis cu::ne and the good taste of Its handsome hand-some and elegantly attired mistress. Had Morals in Trade. Chicago consumers comptain that the grocers use colored paper bags, ttree times as heavy as the manila variety, and that these paper bags are "weighed In" as groceries at the expense ex-pense of the customers. A month or more ago the Chlrsgo Federation of Labor made a protect against this weighing In of the paper bags and for a time It stopped, but tbe custom setms to have been revived, says tie Chicago Dally Newa A similar com-plaint. com-plaint. It will be remembered, was made about Sir Thomas Upton's teas some months ago. purchasers clalmins thst tbe paper package was a'.so "weighed In" at pure Oolong, Ceylon or whatever other brand of tea the aM packag-s might contain. Experts . even flpured out quite a comfortable Income to the credit of Sir Thomai from this source alone. Tbe grocers j rhould be straight and honest alxjut ; It. continues the News in an editorial. ' If Ib-y cannot aflord to furnish the ! bags free let them supply them to customers cus-tomers at coFt and w hen the latter call for a pound of tea or sugar give them what tbey call for and not a pound of paper and sugar or paper and coffee. The Item may seem small to the grocer, gro-cer, but the principle Is there, and sbould be observed. Morally, It Is just as much a theft as to take a penny as a pounda distinction, however, that many people seem to overlook. Went Farthest jSorth. Capt Cagnl of the Italian army le4 the party of the Dv""- of Abmixl's expedition ex-pedition wulch act from the Stella Pollare In Terpltx oay and reached CAPT. CAGNL latitude Sfi ZZ. beating Nansen's record. Only lack of food prevented dgnl from going farther north. He made many maps of hitherto unknown tracts. It Is proposed to place a tablet In the old Fltchburg railway station In Boston Bos-ton to commemorate the fact that It was there Jenny LInd sang for the first time In the Vnlted States, the big station being the only place In Boston Bos-ton large enough to accommodate the crowds that came to hear her. j Ttorncnce in a Suit. ) In taking steps to secure possession, j of 10 0"K Mrs. Maxle Winston of Chi-I Chi-I cago has astounded her friends by dl-i dl-i vulg.ng the fact that African blood , coursed In her ( veins. The won an Is fair as any daughter of the north, with blue i eyee and chestnut I hair. Hr father ! was Dorse llira-I llira-I ner, of a wealthy Virginia family. ' Dorse II a m n e r : committed suicide, but not until he Mr. Winston. J had provided In his will for his daughter, daugh-ter, Maxle, who waa born In 18TJ. The will was lort, bat Luther LeC1n Mills, the noted Chicago, lawyer, who believe In the Justice of Mrs. Winston's claims, will go to Virginia to secure evidence to eatabiiah Uul |