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Show TELEGRAM JEWS' Items ol Interest from Various Quarters ! Tekic-, Ot. 3. Py an imperial imper-ial decree issued at Tai Huen Fa. capital cf th prjvinee of Sban Si, rial ad tfepteinber i'tb. Emperor KaDgt?H denOUQOS tb i X-T roovument and deeicuatea f ir punishment D ie r:ug leadft I He aaknom leL'a hi own fault audi rebukes himself, buti.e plae-a ttie Llauie cpon tbe princes aud ho- ' ties wb participated in tbe move-! juent aud prolrtCied it. ; Prince Tuho. Prince Chni'j. ' l'rince 'sxi l.ien, Prince Thij 1 lug. Pane Sau rtn:. Ymg Ni-u, presideut ( f tin f no-rt aud CriH.il Shu Cbk). prefclelt of tbe txtcrj I f puuiihiueui, ar- ail vieprie. of ibeir titlee, wiuoed from of fice and turueJ tr to TirKXi triKi bomtiM lor lorioer pnui-. Pritcel-ac, br (he the terms of the decree. 1 to te tiled by the board of lans. MiDneafxtlia, Htto'cl. S. Htrrrv 1 K. Knapi n. a ixwmper a. an, t- I turned toly froa a f-ril.jus iri to1 tbe lluiw Ha) cooalrv in wlurb j with niae tnle men and eiglit 1 iliane, l.e.iled CCO Wes up tHeeeJl bore of toe great iiiliKt ea. I Mr. Kn4,;wo awaured by kt-niOB kt-niOB wbttui le met tltal a -7bol' bad cine in II e reg'ou on ttje n-treine n-treine iio'ttfct 'lore tl:e I...V l,t eie 'te, :t.l i! foiJ'i ' l'-: t-h"'- l.d !li:.t l- M.v..L'.-. .tb:tt couutrv f'.t " mAU '' iH !'e H it :!, - AtJe e .rie.l 1 1 . t ..i.i.ou . |