OCR Text |
Show RE SOLUTION n.pi.e -.d-i t sri a, icuiU IS. of tae F H vliJ ml nnflf-f 0' Ihe I..-iltB tter,f war':a( i-r-i Seen, o I ir.o t,.., . l- prow -to an.tJ u.e i'or..il..:t or. of l..e -:' of I .ok ia fcTfbTVitnT. lo n.e s n-J e a, : - of iro s-.i for uiv aurtia. or o.Uii:u.i. bT- 1 : al Section J Auir ' IS of the r'B.tltullo of ir.e siaio irf ttah ai,a. b amettueu w rA a. fo..ooa t Th. l.e.-'.Btir ata;l pir?11e b 1 talal OA B a., pr- irtT In S.I wv'fi tr. u. . . I o - ill tt-rr ; b f?-rml j '..-H f -ti ft hit r S .;! fff Uiit:o1 ftil prrr'.T. M tl nr'i p- r. ar4 -wrl' B V f'omtr!l,. B5. b-r u b r..--.l l't" lflhr. t.'ai ta p- ff'y f in t' n1t4 sti. ef ln tt. r-.jiltfft Hi . tonv itri.-c. iunv-u. ci,po' rn rl rjftit iLDrmri- kl with tr tu. d r lt- n ua4 K.-iu f' either r P r(irlll p"rpo ai4 t'rl no4 b. or wrl t' pr.L er rof.rkU bnSi. kktl b- I r rr r tnl'" tr.-ft n,. tr. ... pr- aJ MW" u-J by lulill' or c r -r'l 'ft f It I' ff tenO ow aH bT i.' 1 1-1 --r ejrt r- or lb ln.'iMb. mniyr iinof U aot b :rlf. tQ- l.f OT hil uo nH ri4 a.l I .!. I f- r xl patios rroti4S firitf lbl 0o lolo "t ifc t'n Pf b rfnlnoj or or-1 at Li no acd la uch BU3r bo pfv' Mol bf Nxc t Ibo S rnrj of U bofrlj -deroo M rjo 11,11 frtl'l n w bo pt-b-linl nUlM ilf """'" r ifto Mto tiro a nopor i p,r,.la for two ai..r)U,ft lnuudll.f yrmirAiBl u aAl grnrrml rlf-'l a Noo I Thi pfrnotilo ohn bo ootTtfJ4 ! Ibo Oloctor of Mlo at lb rlt c 'bOrmJ i 0- -lion frr tbrlf bpproi or Ciprv.Y All mMl boliol. uoo l oura i rtU-i l . rrmux) or wrUl-o -b-r-o. iho Jr4. Kor AainuairBl to hlu,o . Ante lo l, of tb ' oo- tltmiwo," bi ' Aflnt tbo Arrn'!tnnl te Section V ArtictO 1 1. tTo 1 on-U-u'l a. fiber with sucb otfer tlllo dwL1!l :g irb a-in!nol tt mT w pr -rJ t,y S.4 boucto ftbon bo rrrr;t4 Bid obt4 T9le hoJ be lotfen rjnlr4tuiur4 1J return thero-of thero-of be axmAt lb the MniO Mnnrr onS In oil m- kpertB 10 L pM.t . t. T too tB tbO (O Of ib a.ertios of te oflrero le 4. T'.:ru.ull kill Ulr'lKtul t b LQ forco (rom bnO after Its ml itloa. RESOLUTION rrtnomt; laniioni to aeeiioa a. Amelo IO. of lb. loo. iii-tl . IO lb. 4o. tr. J oo Mol-tooowooof I'.bllo Sebooio. Be 11 reoolvM and enaeterl br tbo ft"a!Brneo Of tbo Mote of l'La. lwo-:birUao bu u-rajboro iberetif evBcurnnf tbrrln . Seellon I Hi (oi.o!n p-opo.!!'nn SB amend tbe Coi.mut.oB of me -ta.o of I tob io kereht oubmllled IO tbo o.l..itl"4 el-ioro of tbe Maw fur Ibetr aoprvvai or d4opprB4 aame.j Tbbt Sert'on of Article r. of tbo rooTtt tloa of tbe I K of l uaa aba.1 bo aawoueU a reod aa fo.lowa Sw In rule of tho rlrot ana oecn4 elaoa the public orh.. ij.lra aaaii f- romroli-4 bf the I.r of Kduc.tlob of auvb elleo fMHH and apart from tbo eoubuoa la U.t a.a Oltioa are 1 ated Se. t Tbe Sorrel a rr of "ttate la keeebf entered n cauoo uila propori. B to bo pub- It -nee in Bl .ev ono mr-mi-v o -j Of Iho Stole wnere a ewnapef pib.lh-dj for too montha immediate. p -oreJli.. l aeal feneral t-e-nioa See. I. 1 bia prrpoltoo ahall bo anbmttte to the elect.. r of tt. a stole at IN Bl rierl ollloo fof Uirlr Bpprovoi or dtaorp-o' ' a. I on. lai b., ota Bl au. e,-foa thero hall bo prlnleO. ' bor tho Anenltnot U See-I See-I on Artieiat 10. of tae . a-tituttea. on "Ajralnt tlie Amerdmenl to sei-iloa rtl. o JO. of tbe I'onatlluiluti." treiber "Hit aueb other Ul.ed-. te Ua a-ieb ame!inent a. B.. be proTl.led b sa d b. ,. io .bo I t ro-eeied ro-eeied Bod aa d vole, .nali be uh-B ro-jot-d, ravaoei1 and return, th-reof bo B3a.,o ta il.f ane tu.t B-r and la ... recta aa la proT'de It bo la Lbo ca4 of u- t.oeUoo of btoio aAcoia. RESOLUTION rrownolof Ao.eoda.eau bo atto I o4 Bl of Article' of lb. tlil.ll... r b,o State of I Kelatl.a la Ue) L(lolBl.aa by lao Celo. pio tl reooWed and enacted be the IV'.lotneo) f tbe stale of I lab. two- u.lr.1. of a.i the n.em-per. n.em-per. e.ecvnl ueoa Souaa tberouf ooociu no- "'s'una I Thai aeetloa I of rt I -t Of th roc.tliouoo of tbo btoto of t'lo. be aaieaU! b) iradu ("'!... . . .... See I. Tho lectalatle power of the Stole V" la a's-naieand Ho ioeof Repreaenlatteeo; Which .bail be d-laOoll tbo trff.a.aluro of th" Slate .f I'tab f In ihe p'P of tbo St. to of I tab. aa iTl7l"''ierB. or auh fraeilonal part Ih-reof. of Ih. Slt. Of rta t"" V.de b ! under aueb e..llllob.abd lb au.- ,.,.,, ,,..1 a .... ti t me b"' tl. B and r... be .aru- to b- .ubmiite.1 to a Vote of thr p p.r f..r ai i,r.,al or r.)eei m. o B.or re,uir. an. laa pa-.od bf . , ,CT i'li,' m-m "Tr'otl. 'orb tJ, of IbO lO-S-.alurei to be .Jbmllied to the . .tors Of the Slate C .ore . r I .-a abal. l" eff The lra:r..ler. ..r ? .- f.t..nal pari ibee Of ..,Mr.i Vr7r ".u'b'c'Vuon. niaVl'ie u-o id.-. b laa ma. in.l.aie arif d-a d-a rAl l ...1 ..n ar J ran Ihe ..n.e to t aub- ;.mon.. . .. ..t th. W? ;'''r,,o''o"!'n.n.-' "''' fcVitia? .ru-cv biorvr; U or orUlD.nce artall ta.e rfject se S A ai that es- ln .1 of Arllrl a. Of'tbe lon.t.lutl b of in. btato of L lab bo ,"UrCfalU bf'rne"! rlauar of eeerv lae hall be. ! H ea. i.l bf Ibe .. alre of t..e State of I'-ab I . -ft .., h ,a a aa mar be pa d h. t:.e o. of in. e u.r. a. p'o- ItX'iri"-i"i--"''''- -i' ' 1 So 1 11. or J. l-.l K-...i oo .ha, be pal. I- irj ,'n r Vne ' "teVja'a"'- r.f.a paaa- of a I b roll he bf f-a a aj 0b'r.,f,' ?..'! ai"r.o! at'.,. M ro euocloa abd pub...i..4 a lr-" I Tk S-e'a-V H ia la beraho ordrre to ea..- lb.. Pf I 1M. to - Vf li.he.1 In Bt leaat one Bea.oaper I" r - f 1 e..untTof lie Sl.le .j.r. ane.aopee lo -I H.bed Mf..'l. immejlaie., p-r-'wU ',,'Tni.'''p-''p.lltr, .h. . SO aub-jllie aub-jllie totaoeiertor. of Ih.a tato al It- ,.or-l eieellOf. fo , ''i' I' o o .!ia I ka.e prtaied trira. n r win- bo.', 'a r.l le Seetl. i.. I and I AnKle a of the. wi..'" ou- . and. Aai.n.t l' B.eoln.nl b. e ... . ar,1 C A-u.-.o nuif,,..i'B K.,""ot In;.--d br.."","t " ' " 'T'l'T i-.d aa.d .t-o . 1 b. lo.-o r-. r.- ia la oa of tbo a.oi-uB of a.oi ua-oca ST.TB r I'fl" I,, Oco of Sero-orf of SlBVO. ( t J Bitv-O T Hamro ,ad te-raiar Of ft 'ale a tkoStaioofl-iaa do b-r. J ' .....on of 1. a Sla:a. aaaed at taa TalrIo.-... aeaauo. of too Ie, aioa of taai kt . TaOIIWV Wbf f I " .... ot a' a1 aal o- bb. a-.eai.rj of ..aba. |