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Show KRUCfcR A PRISONER. j rrariknll; llrld hy l'..rlin Aalhoil.les I lo U.nrriiro Mrues. i A dispatch from I.ourenco sas the. restrictions arouud Krugcrare increasing, increas-ing, and he is virtually a prisoner, lie j has 1een allowed to use the Porta- . guese governor's csrriage. W hile driv- j liig Wednesday he met a party of burghers and made them a patriotic j speech. 1 he governor hits now refused . tbe use of his carriage. Kriiger has j lcen warned to make DO more speeches and is forbid.lcn to wear the green . sash that is the iusitfnia of his otlice. ! Kruger expect to sail on a Dutch ; cruiser for Holland neM week. j |