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Show CRYAN DENIES STORY, j Old Not tteeel.o I.Mi." for liHo ; Mr. I'.rvan'a attention bavin? been j rilled to a statement made by a Mr. j Kingman that Itryan received $IW Tor insisting np-o the si'ver pluk of . the Iv.um. City platform, aai.l: ' "Ilia hardly worth while to deny the charge of a roau w ho hidea behind i S woman whose name be wi.l not give, j but in order that the moat unscrupulous Republican may have no reaaon for repealing re-pealing the charge I "ill say that il ' absolutely false in every particular. No one ever ofTered, promised or gave j me that sum or any other for orbing that plank or any oilier plank in the j Kansas Citv platform or any other platform. "I do not know anything of Mr. , Kingman, bnt it la said he is a cousin j ' of Senator t ullom. and 1 do know j something of Senator Culloro. The ! aenator ought to know whether hie cousin is trustworthy or not, and if the aenator will atate over his own signa-i signa-i lure that he believea what bia cousin ' aaya, and ia willing lo represent him in j I ai investigation of the charge, I will j make him a proposition which will give j ' him an opportunity to produce bis evl- : deuce. |