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Show Followiag H the further report of the Democratic converjtiou. Mrs. Jennie Slater was nominated nomi-nated for recorder hy a vole of 133. Mr. Kdoi 107, Bateson 11. George IUgby was nominated for fcberiff by a vote of 184, E. J. llaw71. P. E. Kseler was Dominated for attorney by a vote of 132, Stewart 120. 8. W. Hendricks wu nomiuateJ for treasurer by acclamation. Walter W. Jones was Dominated foi anst-eKor Ly acclamation. - T. H. Humphries was nominated nominat-ed for surveyor by vote of ICO. J. S. Baker 94. S. A. Langlon was Dominatad for tbe legislature by acclamation. acclama-tion. J. T. Pond wa nominated for tbe legislature by acclamation. P. M. Mauphan wa nominated for tbe legislature by a vote of 141, II. J- Matthews 112, and George 13radnhaw 2. Tbe platform was then aJop ted. It indorse tbe national and state platforms, criticises the county comminaioners aud "deplores "de-plores tbe action of tboa who elected el-ected them." At 11 o'clock last evening tbe convention adjourned. |