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Show ITAII STATE XKWS. The past week on the mining exchange ex-change cl.-sed iiti the sale of l is..; shares of elock for which I .6.1-waa .6.1-waa paid. At the recent meeting of the Pacific Toast Association of I ire liiefs, James Isrvine. chief of the Salt Lake 6re department, de-partment, was ch.seo vice-president. Charles Torville and sear Julius last week estal.lislud a new laudein record oa the saucer track at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake, going five milea in 7:M. The I tsh W.s.l-.irowera Association beld iu annual meeting In salt I-ake last week with an attendance of sixtv members, the old ollicers being reelected. re-elected. The report of the commissioner gen. eral of the land ofl.ee shows thai in I'tata there are J,V"-.T.4il acres of unappropriated un-appropriated and uureaerred vacant public land. The aurveyor general of Utah report the eenditure of I.'!.""! for aurveys for Hie year ending June :. and estimates esti-mates SM.."i as necessary for the fiscal year ending June MK lo-'- The twenty-third exhibition of the Ieaeret Agricultural aud Manufacturing Manufactur-ing s-siety, just closed, was fairly well alien led, aUhouv'li the reeeipta were about Si ..s o less lhi.il last year. The Gartield Heacli watchman reports re-ports thai on Wednesday of lasl week the lake level was eighteen inchea below be-low the rero mask two fecland a half below the lowest record of former years. There is much dissatisful tion among tomato-raisers over ihe failure of the canmug factories lo haudle all their crop, and several d. image suita may re-sulu re-sulu More factories will undoubtedly be built next season. Il ia proposed to erect another Mormon Mor-mon church building in Salt I-ake City next spring. In it will probably be locau-d the Ilcli.f soiiciir. Primary associations and Young Ladies' Mutual I m prove men I Associations. The Western Funeral Directors' assoc. as-soc. Mtiou has chosen Suit Lake l ity as iu next meet. ni; place. Joseph Will. am pirsi.l. ol of Hie a --" i ll. ou al tiie cou-venl.ou cou-venl.ou leceut.y lici t IU Dcnvir. About thirty-five ineuilrs alien. led the semi-annual meeting of the 11c-Krepcrs 11c-Krepcrs Assialion, held io S.ill Lake lasl week, informal lais ou ap.ar.an matters and the taking care of bees iu wint. r occupying in..t of the time. Among the many evnleuces of progress pro-gress iu material affairs that were brought out by the magiiiticent displays dis-plays at the recent state fair, none are more sUisiug than ihe excellent exni-biliun exni-biliun of the horticultural products of tbe Slate. J. II. McMasier. a Salt Lake printer, mcldeath near Colby, kins, by drow ning n-ing himself in a reservoir. He was oil bis wsy lo Ksusa City to accept a position and, il is believed by bis friends, became temporarily insane and s jleided. John Donaldson of Salt Lake has just returned home from Nome, where be is interested in a uumber of miuing claims, aud slates that jusl before leaving he refused au offer of t-.o.s) for one of his claims lie believes Nome has a great future. K. A. (.reenep, former private secretary secre-tary to Governor Wells, was found dead in bed al the Clifl bouse. Salt I-ake, the indications being that death resulted from an overdose of morphine taken to relieve pain, be beiug at!iicled with insomnia Charles Ho'mes of Sslt LaUe was shot and killed early Sunday morniug by Chin Poy, a I hmese gardeuer. who resented the action of Holmes and his companion in throw ing rocks at bis hut. declaring he lK.ouiil they intended to rob him. Pavson t ity has petitioned the stale land board, pra ing that a selection of s.ooO acre of state laud made bv the board recently le cancelled, on the gro-.md thai the laud is the water shed from w hieh l'av son derives its water supply, and that if the laud passes into the hands of private parties the city's source of water supply will 1 ru.oed Harry Tultle of Salt Lake Iwcame enraged al his landlady, Mrs. lowby, because she and her daughter resused to attend the fa r with bun. he being intoxicated, aud fired a shot at the woman, which fortunately missed her. He is under arrest |