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Show WHAT RfcPUBl l;AN CLAIM. lla.a Via Mec...ral Id a ..lenient issued from llep"'!l-e.n llep"'!l-e.n headquarters, the committee claim ! '.i vote from the electoral '"r McKlnlev. Hi for llryan and .'4 .ioal.tr ful. The states conceded to llryan are. Alabama. Arsa.iaav Horn'.. Georgia. xoiin. Mississippi. Caroline. T(i.ne. X ir" ginia. lo the doubtful column are p"t CVorli.lo. Idaho. Kentucky. Missouri. Montana. Neva,!.. Nebraska an.1 ltb. Kv.rvthing else put down for Ve-Kiuley Ve-Kiuley but Indiana, which, with iu fifteen votes is admitted to 1e .1nut.tr ful. When shown Ibis republican claim. Congressman liichardson. for the Dem- ocrats. characterized it as only "an I much boasting." He added thai th. Democrat had a poll w hich was very ! different from the republican one, but that it would not be made public. |