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Show (hlaoao Saporot floe. When Gen. Grant was vislrl-tg China. Chester Holcombe, for many yeara secretary of the Axerlcaa le;a-tion le;a-tion at P kin. secured f ir him a priv-n:e priv-n:e never before that time acco.-de 1 to a foreigner, the privilege of ad- I mission Into the sacred precinct of the Temple of Heaven In Fekin. Now. It is contrary to the settled belief ct the Chinese to adm.t a member of th fit.aie n. young or o.d. eten t th temple ground, under any circumstance. circum-stance. It Is said that ahould a Chinese Chi-nese guard venture even to carry a baby girl In his arms within the for-I for-I bidden Hues he would probably be punished with death. Not knowing of ' these restrictions, a numier of ladle j in Gen. Grant s psrty ventured to fol-j fol-j low him when he visited the aacrej ed.fice. y I.lie' Weekly. Realli-j Realli-j lng the erlouane of thi ctln, Mr. Holcombe afterward apoli.glied to the emperor representative lor the conduct con-duct of his countrywomen, a.td wa Informed In-formed that the Intrusion would be ! overlooked, but taunt b kept aa secret aa poaslble, for should th popul- learn of It an anti-foreign outbreak would be likely to follow. They woul I not forgive uch a pollution of their tnewt aa. red building |