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Show Siouo from the Tarts Kiposlllom. "The bincer Manufa. turin I Company, Com-pany, of 149 Ilroadaay. New To: k. how their usual American enterprlta by having a very creditable einlldt, located In Group XIII. Clis."9. at the Paris International Kiposition. ahre they show to greit advantage the cele- J brated Singer Se Ing-Machine which la used In every country on the globe, both for family use and f ir manufacturing manufac-turing purpose!. The rl!rr as highly high-ly pleased with this display and Ob- ! serve 1 with niu.'h atfjctlon that It was favorably commented upon by visitors generally. The Grand Prize was awarded by tbe International Jury to Singer Pew-Ir.g'Marhines Pew-Ir.g'Marhines for superior excellence In design, construction, efficiency and for remarkable development and al 'P-lion 'P-lion to every stitching process used la cither the family or tbe factory. I Only One Grand Priie for aewing ma. -hlr.es was aaardrd at Paris, and I this distinction of absolutely suprrlor j merit confirms the previous action of ' tne International Jury at the World's j Columbian Kiposition, In Chicago, j where Singer machines received 61 j distinct awards, being more than were received by all other kinds of sewlnt , machines combined. ! Should It be possible that any ol i our readers are unfamiliar with the I celebrated Singer Machine, we woulJ ! respectfully advise that they call at ! any of the Singer salesroom! which can be found In all cities and most towns Id the I'niteJ States." |