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Show C0L-5TY COl'Rl . Sessions Held Saturday Satur-day and Monday- 1 Tbe coat'.v court ma. in eion ' Saturday and Monday in tins 'city, Commissioners M-ik!e, Muir ; and Li:jeu.iuit being present. 1 U. P- Ni-lsou was appointed ta , inspect scales and measures. The sum ol ?- -M ai-t''1'-priat-d to pay the funeral eip-u-L.of William Mjer.the toy mho mas accidentally killed at U-lleue i last week. . The fulloming changes and iu-Icreaiea iu-Icreaiea lu laJient hl'.oman'.e j were made: IU rha M-.tUon, Millv...e, i-ihtwed i-ihtwed 2 per month. 1 Audrea Aul-raon, Hyrum, ia creased from H oO to $2. I Jno. Lncksoc, of Logan, ia. crraeJ fiom 2 to il ',0. t'-ri i Sweuaon incr.-asevl iron ii :) to 2. Mr. Nieltoa. Avm, adoweJ - IT Mttterof increaiog a!l"wan. cf Uorot -a Jjrg-aen to 2 U) p-r inon'.b referred to Me.iri. Muir and Meikle. petition for ipcrasJ cf a.low-nr-ce for Elnbeth (irnt. of WY.lmile le'errid to Mr. Ltlj-n- ivH, a'.i.i!i of .Unies Arnold, c. ILv-ai.. for inceh... tf alloman.-e, !rtf.-rred to Mr. Muir I , P.rll. m appom.ed d-. - ' tret N.. 7 attJ Ani-r; l.teifja ;dvi J-v r. w'.fvi- f 'r -S 0 : m., r i-pi -i ;-uf lirauUVew'roO i:."tl-M J.-.-Mf-Ct ! . . i',i th.t coui.ly htl uj elH.l.,.- th.t O.U-...V Ul itnii-.ction ov r the proposed new "btgUwav.it beiBff m-relv au ne-cor..m ne-cor..m l'i"" r md onfd l y pri-vat- inlivtltitU mho wr willing to gtvf the right cf w-y W tbtcountv. The p,i;'ion wa re-,-cteti. H..J. Math"- B'-..o.c'el B'-..o.c'el regi,trtrtf Prov;rc3. i At th- meeting M. n lay s nnm-b..r nnm-b..r . f bills .r a'.lnv-d a . 1 t-c-couit mlionrn-1 until nest Saturday Sat-urday mhea j'i-lk." fck'ctl.o miU i b appointed. |