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Show i M in I i ;.. t". h i c ' rr, rri-i' 'jr.; : . ..::.;; up t r ..;.!i i- i! -.1. U ! ... ! i . I. u I r. ii. !... i. it ! -j 1:1 p;.- i:.-:. i I .-;r V -nr h- , ti. i! ii h.iu'hl l-: w.'li . 1 I - - u;. hi vn.'.y, ii.i U rjiini'it', t firt:ir r .-irruus a: 1 1'l.e i t -' I.i'hI :L v. dot t jij j I h a: k l! i.hj i,t j I j;i.f (i w.-li to 1. t .M'.ck run 'tbt ( i "IVi'l CUli tit t-EILO a WLilf !ul : .' VUATCOl-LU 15KVAX DO? Lat tL.-re h1 ut Hryn to cake you tbiuk ha toulj B&ve your ou! '! VLo Lua lie b. hind Lim? Tje f:l..tf lule. Lvery cdi,p who Hifot loi.r I.,Ht Lis j ,(, ,s firl iT. J,r,r,r di.p who ant.' ,0hat 'vrytlnuR tUt in. hnu'i h0!,n. h everythitiK tbrttninV1 for Lryaa. Tie cralik fhe '-I'"!' hoI,ssbpD. ia auceessioD.1 .u,ID,,rct.Vfr; glides! PHrt. j ii for I.rvHo. I -lyi ' !Sl,ouI,fn't th.-v be? They've ! .... rlsr uoii,.r tlje hoi . ilia: n. uj it would be a 2 to 1 8u.I you can't misg. loiRifl'dri I An Admfm'Jration by IL-se' f-iplo! Titehfort Xillman or' retary of State. BiooJvtftjlee -lLa I. AI'fpJ.r Secretary ofj (ioor(4 ' 1'red Williams fur SecreUry of the yjr, gvtkleei I .impwa f r .Secretary of tbe Jc) tenor and Kuoe for Sec ' r-'ry cf Agrtcultare. The eagle! ! Hjitoa hu bick with bowel trotJ Au.I a law requirinc the! People , o buy LJwarJ Atkiu.on -! Pnif,hlet. ,LJ b8T9a cbrarno Aeu.njildo ovr th parlor cr,.n. j j I lunb.it Innm- atrippl off Cilieo, Down io your bert of hsrtj nd tLeatdl wafebeiof the nu-ht! re you quite ready to cbaneeit? It tU I.eput,l!esDi cr(,.j ,htff tJutt caoaej Eye to eat the a p. ' M-leand a,tl tbe bi2 winJ , -rE(ui-.UBa' (liyeu figure it that free trd IdJ Lai more trugta j than the I'nited Statti? How do I you iur that Jamew I). T.icb-ardeoii, T.icb-ardeoii, of Tenneas.v, the man who j a niecittr of Coucreaa succeed-d succeed-d io t'fttiBi; itoaiieaiion of the' publiaLing of l'ublij Docutnenta, ! Uxik whieh should have gonel Iree to the people. a that the aaid publieLiDjr became a preat husi-j ue euterprue aud profit to bim.i how do you figure it that tbts i Tery rnao waatheman who lepra-' ented the Ieujo rttlc party io j Botifying Tryan, at lodiaaat-oli', 1 W Lis comicaticQ? |