OCR Text |
Show 'Republican Piattorm '; W,i th ljut.tnr.4 of Crf li '"ounty i : in C.jnvri.tion !..-rijo;r.l. i-);rm oar I ' Ki!i"ruc? t" t:pt. lj-n -nr.i.i.:- ntl 1 rtir.iiratulale tl) A-writ-in Uno ' the t.r.ft.t pr iyp, : f it ti,r cm.tir.utrU i prt'Kir:' t of nar ctiiint ry. I i Vorfj'fiwin the r"!i7 purnel ly ' t! at cr.-t (.i-ti'it William Mi Kit lf v, 1 wliri?Ly we ar r"'tfni---i a loa l- ii g prnfr in the l.piiiicy of the worM. truaiiir.teeirik; to our oitilne a'rohd tiit limtiv't.on of tl. ria'ts t hi -ii t!.i-v r ei,ti'.il ur.'l-r i i- etar am' n !. , ai J re.ea-inu from f it powers rf iui ..vprnmirt inc fi-ttir-l neri;i- f .otlirr yik 'ho f .r cnlnri have U"ii ilfnif.l tl o f-.iuiJanieutal rights li I .ertvan i kiapir.m. ! We bvarnly eoil.Ts the Nrttio- al anJ State platf'iimsof !H K-pui.lk-an party 1 .,i nl! ..iirwlvn tu d ail m our ' power to prptuat the prinfipl : enunciate! tinreio. We pledge the uoiuife for County ' ollicers t a clean, tiunml, etlM-o-nt and ' fa nonm- o)tiilin t nf County irairu. and ; in connection with 'ha ple.lir we call ' attention to 0, erTn-eni y ar.d eo.noiny with which the vVunty luitis has 1 ler, von lui le. th past two years nol-' nol-' withetaodinrf the attempted eitrava-' eitrava-' Kai- of I-iccrtic t uunty othciaia. j We call parii-mar attention to the record llia-le hv the p'eeent Ixiani of ( iiuuty Coinuoii.ierein the re lui tion " i of M.ariea. ar.d t'e- e.-onomi, al liHl.ure- , iii-iit ot put. lie f.ii da. wlierel V there Das le-eo a mviu fromeKpen incurred t.y ,,,p,evi..u. Uoard of 1 m a" ine fun la ai uire.l I.y thi County. We alo eoii.m.-nd the trd for lt DMiup, action in the auppre.ii g of the , late ep neil.ic. 1 W iteire to renind the tople or the O'l eJpene IM lirred I.y 'he County in I l'l,e col -.-turn of Hie rh p li.-i.e- U , n,He,l l.v the laet I.-ne. rat.c U-ar.l. i and which law was .leclared ur.t-.n.ldi.-tional l.v our eupreme court. We ti-lne our legislative Dommeee V) .he e.'a. :u.ei,i .f audi lawa will .en to the l-tterme,.t of all the people and Iceen.ntf p.rl.c-il.rly in new a f.,r the cr.ertucli .n of r-ervoir for --'--:",;:,a?'i,:,r e call ane. , ...... - - - ina the present National l.epul.li. ad - ."fn.tra'.ion the mte-ee, and "J" Cache Coui.tv kalen u.ater.aliy forwarded; for-warded; the pr..-e. of Urm W" been adv.r.ced. thewatfe. of worainii men of .Ii clae have- 1-er. raieed nl lhe valuaof all proper., h- -o w-creafed w-creafed ard in view of tl ' ' nTte ... c,.,Ze,.a of C... .,e O.unt, to eo operate with u. in airport of the Uenublican ticket , W. advocrte a free rural p-t.l d ,l,verrfor th. intial.itaata r4 t ' 1 'ounty and pled.-, the .-ml U.pul.l.-, U.pul.l.-, cau I'arty W r M -''" I'1 ah" i luent. |