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Show ICE THROWN AT HANNA. larhlevovs Ki.js Tama Sissr Doing ert-oa ert-oa Iajarv. Senator M. A. ilanna was the target for a ten-pound iliunk of ice Thursday Bight at the thirty-first ward repul.li-I repul.li-I can meeting, Sixty-fifth and Halstead 1 streets, Chicago. The missile waa ! dropped through an aperture in the lent directly over the apeakers' aland. It did not miss Ilanna s head over two Inchea, and had it atruck him would aave knocked hi in down and probably fractured hia skull, j The police, who surrounded the ' speakrra' atand were aatouuded for a moment, and then made a rush for the street. Senator Ilanna retained his composure com-posure and quietly seated himaelf, i while Congressman J. K. Mann went on with the speech making. j The police found the place where i the ice bad been placed on the aide- walk, but could gel no trace of the ' person who threw it. They said it j waa probably the work of some mis- i chlevotla boy, who had aecured the Ice from a neighboring saloon. j |