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Show AMFRICANS PHOT F ST ACAINT9 . j TKOUHS LfcAVINCi CHINA. Dell Their Work I Df. .pMrt !.-tfrl !.-tfrl ill II Mu.lrued. J At a meeting of American cuiirns at Tien Tsln. 1 bursday. the following, resolutions were adopted: ' "We, citixrna of the I'niled Statea leplore the contemplated withdrawal t sf a large part of the United Sslalea troops iu north thiua. We feel the work of the allied armiea la far from ! accomplished and that the refuaal of the American government lo lake i la part there is ure to be regardeJ by the allies as an unworthy act and by the Chinese as a sign of indifference. "We urge our government to carry J to an end the work it haaao honorably and eSiciently began, and lo maintain a sufficient force for the protection of American mercantile and military interest in-terest onlil a settlement of the trouble la accomplished. About l.soo American troops are to Hay in north China. The tuissionarie will probably petition Washington lo increase the number. The public te'.eirraph between l'ekin ind Tkn has been completed. |