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Show DEMOCRATIC CLAIMS. 1 Katlasnt That l!r Will lists 310 Eton- , j tornl tolns Out of 44J. j Democratic national headquarter has given out its Erst official forecast j ; of the coming election J. li. Johnson j ; of Kansas, chairman of the national j executive committee, did the figuring j and announced this result: I Klectoral votes claimed for Itryan, I 3iO; electoral votes for McKinley, t.4; ' electoral votes in doubt, 33. The states conceded to McKinley are i Oregon, Iowa. Pennsylvania, West ; Virginia and the New hngland statea. ; In the doubtful column ia put Michi-' Michi-' gan. M innesota and New Jersey. Kvery-; Kvery-; thing else is put down for llryan. |