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Show I Harg-lars Koti tha ta.leaa- j I The Italian police hare begun invea- ( ligation into the burglary at the vat- j , ican. where th.eves forced a safe and j carried off securities worth 3f.7.0ul lire and 3.0.J0 lire in silver, although the Vatican officials have not lodged formal complaint, contenting them-! them-! selves with merely announcing the theft. Kour person are under auspi-! auspi-! cion and one is under arrest, j The Tribune says that the Italian : police warned the Vatican police in July of last year Dial a plan waa on fool to commit some robbery. It ia ! believed that the stolen property does j rot belong, as was originally asserted, i to the management of the ap.stolic j palace, but is a pari of the private fuuda of the pope. |