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Show f P n P T' " lvn'tj.ii8tLel:BtiHkcfLli,DlM;Mp8'Jark-!.t4,FurDJWoiiMyi!t,tllJd Logan Dry Ujy I H 11 tioxl(-'0- Jcket-. S3 to Fure.fl to f2o. ! fj. . 3 J We will save you money. C?J! and see us. UHlyJll ulL U y Logan Dr y Goods Company The tteeley Cure. tY7?,o hTfJIOlT PA IX THE OPinf, XORPIIIXE, COCHISE, CO-CHISE, LIQUOR AXD TODACCO HABITS. Tbere ic no nueery o' mini and b ly combinil wf ih i g'o'.er than tht icciileot lo i h n(.Lirl ur -priatiaa of u airctisUMiii ilru, rrnhut nil-ic-al h.;p. T.. r nkn, the will m atranuind, ih iniolleet turn to lu- icy f.r hip. if r.rv( cry uii fc a dtnc ccne.nusDe f ir sucjcr. l mvitv "t llf u,.i.(ii lirk'nnaut to trmir, tre fjLdiot.a i! the bojjr are para! zrnl, and of'-rj ni.i.cti dath (-l,wth aory. 13 tr Kiii'.' Di'lb.l tl a vieiim i" taken by the hand ami led over a the r'tuiT'ifa'-a fiavii nv i.. ar d around iy another way. Th pa:iMrtt haa d, W!rj;i,s ri, ,..t t.'m, (f lit that he la he Inn nirdic:ti rt! u la r 'y. ''h-r ia no aLrnjil anut! r .jj eft i f ii juor it Jrurfs. 1 he ;ii:ite craduuuy uice and trie cra.njf uisrtpf are . TIig HGclcy Institute of Utah F.rBt, North and VS"et Teniila street, or lock bo. Salt Lak City, I'tab, TfG only authorized Institute in Utafi I Korlgagc Loan Corporalion 1 it now lo. aa-fi in ita new build;ng oa the T. thing o!tU-e corner. Money to loan No delay 8 jjjf OrricfclH -jr Mts TiiAicinn, President. -n,Kit H. Champ. V-.- P-e-dc-m. A. H. Th,.:.s,,v, Secretly snd Treasurer. t Cole's Hot Blast - J ' , J. Srl OX E- TU111D I fe El EL Li Ev. ry stove wsrranted to give - saMafatiior,. ; 1( k't l ev a cLesp stove bat ia- t ' . itt on lh beBt. j TEATS COLE'S. $UiS$ C EverfoP. a..t ; "'" ' ix.lutive Agent J The Logan Elevator Co. Peulnrs in a. I kind, o' (vn sni Srtl1, yly. Brjp (Mj ,jD!j lor .lie. All Una- o: Giu.n snd feeds Cleaned at lowest pr.ci. Wheat stored at small cost. Ion a .Pv Pr'' fr Wheat' 0lU' AlMft ard T;motby. Carload ' KemetnUr the place, at Oron SmitVs ol stao-J ia the Sixth ward. Isaac Jorgenson, ProTjrietcr. I The Lost Found. j We have j.i-t received1 :laritf a.o.k of storm and sta'jle 1 j b-rse t.lankets.the best on the ma.'aet j j V.'e HUo have a l"oe line of b-avy and ' I liht barn, S',Il hind mule. Uave you aore necke.1 bore? If so, get a box of our aJve, whicb will effect a cure wbne the borae n ti!i at work, liuaranteed. or yoar money back Call and get our prices before buyijg eljesbere. FIHTKR A NIKLSON, Next to Tbauher Kros. Bank. Protective Policy OP TP t L'liionl'acilic K'v Dm!iai!i Young foilore. L(V:AN, UTAH. i Opeoa Thuraday, Srptamber idth.j Offers tr e folio in mum: . rta, f.:Ur I yeara; Aradfmie. Nomal. atu liiiNineaa couraws, four ye each; Yi,i,.nary course, ons ear. Prajralory work in! Urainmar and (rw-Kraphy.' A well i Kui.ped Normal 1 rainins S-' brol. com- pnainif the IjeginninK. tintt, seTenth and eifc'hth gra.ia, is maintained. Tdel oouraeioarta leads In a Iviralaurmit drgrsw. The Col!i facilities einnr. thrw budding, with the m t o,oiern eiui ped tla rooaia, the Hneat gvoi-narium gvoi-narium id II, e slate, lare aweiu'biy ruora. ofix, stc , and auch mwum an i n-ientihc apparatus aa are requ r.-d in the various couna-s; a good wurk-ns I library and a reading riairo, auppliei with the local pajwra and lead.i g peri ; odicaisof the United Matee; a lartfe , i-ampua properly fen.-ed f .r bare bail.i t'aaei ball, and other athletic spx.rta. j Kntramw f.-e. Iwir; gvmpasiun. and library fee.fl.OH A iuo-ion to N'ormai : 1 raining fr,e. j.ir catal v'ur i acd oifie- informauon. ad.ire, ! U. bcixrv, Jr., Secretary. Lyan. Ulan. In India, the land . f faniiLS, thoua-, ar. is die became they cannot obtain i f vl. In Aa.erii-a, the lard of pl.r.'v 1 mcy uf7r and d.e twause thev rau ' la t d-et the f-Hi t!,ey eut. ' K 1 ! 1 dvi-.pi4 Cure ilee' hut JC ! nr. It mi-tar. t relvpeaad radical ' j cuiet a ; b.n.a. h trobbie. Co t'io:ery aca Drug con.d.nv. ! a a 111 ireraa iy re.i;nizel : t. Pa'.n-nS of the I iroal ( Ivenaud 11 u!e are aured Ihat every .levies of h.lu,an .kill baa len adort-t v. protect t.' em Ba'a'nst acrident. Millions of dollnis have teen .il l,y u, I n,,, i'ac 'ien K Co ,n theircpr .tement f track aud equipmeot : ne l.ne ia renowned for its unara l-!ed S;Md reo rd, reliability for mai-taming time ,-heduie, and for th general super lonty of .U -rv.c-. A,i tK kets go-J via Sa t Lj.kb and J'enver without extra cfiar,-... leta.,e,l .cformat ,on relative to ra lroaC a d Jt-amshi;. trarjrUitioD Keer' ly '.rr.M.e,! on fcj p i-,ti..o lo K. Ii. C. .hte. Cereral At'.r S, 1 ij,t;e iiiifiCTEiriooAY.i 1 ary invents wtU promptly -receive o,r opinion tree concerr.in,: the patetit-alo patetit-alo , y of eanie -How toOkaia a iVf seU nj.on reouttt. 1J sec an d tir -h ns a.!vcni-od for sale at our expend Pl''r OCt t,irot!rli w re'ive notue. withont chaw, in S,aJ tjt t-:t.!o coj.y FREEa Address, I VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., i Patent Auorveyf,) Evans Cui:ding, - ' WASH1NCTOH, D. |