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Show ' CONVENTION OF DEMOCRATIC I CLUBS. ! Hearst Ra-aleetei f'realdenl and Mnreos j Ilalr Ireasorer. j j 1'he National association of demo- ! ; cratic clubs which was in session at' Indianapolis for two days concluded, j it work and adjourned Thursday. j The following Ouicera were elected: j President, V. R. Hearst; secretary, ! Klax F. Johnson; treasurer, Marcus ! Daly. An effort lo increase the number num-ber of members of the executive com- ; niittee from 17 to 4 failed. , The announcement was made that the democratic national committee waa in need of money and that for every I dollar raised by the democratic el'ibs and the members thereof, President ( 1 Hearst of the national committee of i democratic clubs would put np an I equal amount to help elect tbe nation- ', al democratic candidates. I |