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Show Coal. If ymi try 1'iatnon! cotl in iiio I i a-es on will t: ; n-i t!,. r li-1-aui.e it hvh inoiiev y,vr good enli-f ti tltm. Leav-i tnders V ) Store cr a;.ply to M. I Mouritzst o. Pence vf Oil'' Ar '' larrii 77. j Cjit'ain Xtrcury, Mie.ci-y m ill u"' 7 desir.. tl.e eo-e j .,f an.l tt'e-eey ""'"'I ths ! lift-Ill wnet rllten g H I ii,. .oil f .t-H. f.tntt sr- Prigtitite tna tuseini't UC eesiiouul u itr . 'I'"'' i,re-ri.u .. f r... rep. l-'" to.j -i. i-ne. LTbei.o..u:eth.y ,,!l.lo-nf..l,lo; ltt,eotl "' '" l'--"'f J-',v' fr, '" ! I then.. U I' - '"r " L "r-;. V ! ,) . ct.i- no m-roitrv. auJ U.-t. m .;.! ,.. t.rtl up. Ibebl', byi..(f H r.l Ht-rrt. IV- e'-r- y io T I it, .... vy p fti.y i ' le- ,r . S.l.i tntr.-.- e. i-., e V " 11..: 's ram I j I ere lue le-s . i The nii. Iter yor mop a i ieib or eo ii the ,e ,U- ;-r I'er- ;1 Im, ,f f.a. ' lur l-outtle. ..e M.nitt- ii.h 1 .re . is lilt, t.n.r biirn.'ei-t r-u,-.i Ii.h! .;r , lUt-re-il... e tertl t-. ,-U ;P !.!(.. ( ' (.'-.. i ir - DrttK -..n.par.y . pLJHIOH neRCANTILG CO !TH-l (J, O. Opposite Tabeinaclc. Bprcui i I Outing Flannels for Gluilts S 60 bolts cf Jark outiuor, new p&tt-ra, wcrih 7 L2-, goinj at a Ladies' Wrappers, 4oo Styles 5c.o..prjj I r Prh-es rin- efrotuSl CO g 100 places of drk c u'iDg5, new pattern", watth 12 1-2 to lo'i 8 (Jrea,.et variety ever show in Logau- PrKes r.nHe fr g 10 cent, ppr yarl & to tS.OO. All .iz-. and colors. la 0,tiDCs f,r Uu l-rwear. our kt--k i, complete. We havs ts- B rrrrT ken special cre to e-lrct oet pa'terns for cLildrtn's wear. B r e:ty I l-ie an 1 pit k checks an 1 s' rip e, fttt colors. J Underskirts , -- . - -- - - I , . I Underwear and Yarns 1 Yea will PPr--.. l ' 'X'XeC,e Prr, f. r Wi.le,! I All color.. i WCb.. Eitr. value.. cJ price, that ocr ULderw.ar for U.hes. 1 -r-ar U r . E i a. w. purcLaseJ tLt.e goJ Jirect from U UoJerwe.r for children. . Ul I rwear for m n . E competitors cannot meet. a. ,.,.,.- c.imi'e... t 1. oJefivear for boj . |