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Show li SEAL ESTATE If IS PONG DP p treat Activity in All H j Directions. 2$ i ' J Extension of the Business Sufi j District the Result of 35! High Prices. j JTany Now Homes in Course of Construction and Much Build-J Build-J V. ing in Sight. letiiJH ALT LAKE CITY real estate is I W picking up. There Is no quos- J'lS' tIon nbout U The deals beIn6 C$m made every day prove It. The 2J! activity in building renders It impos-Ac impos-Ac V slble that It should be otherwise. Even IWjWVne croaker has ceased denying It. I' fcvvv More real estate has changed hands I XjjXMurlng May than during any month for lifll' " J'ear- More real estate has been bought and sold during the last week ' frv tnan 'or anJ' iv otner weclca of tn0 t'ffjj jresent year. 1 1! V' , One firm the Tuttle Bros. assert Out they have made a greater number .t"' i of good, clean deals during the last ypt, j week than during any two weeks for ftil i three years before. jjjjfc A. RIchter has made eighteen rales ffc '. during May, representing total values Bj J of65,000. j These are only two examples of what H9 j the real estate men are doing. They Hj I are representative firms and their busily busi-ly I ness Ib a very good Indicator of what Sj is being done generally in real estate circles. 5SR The bulk of the real estate sale?. It is ,W true, are of homes generally of iyjj moderate-priced dwellings. However, , 53000 and $10,000 residences figured in, 'km . the deals made last week. g The purchase by O J. Salisbury of Hi i the Strevell-Paterson six-story block on , 31aln street, for SC5.000, was one of the-m the-m incidents of the week In the real estate fijs market JH There would be more of such sales if mm there were more- of such properties for Jg sale. n J. W. Houston of the Houston Real Estate Investment company, when Pi, asked asked yesterday if there were es ( any deals of business property in ,?8 prospect, answered by naming the well- 19 ' known owners of property in a Main ai 1 etreet block. Eg 1 "Those men," said he, "have no Salt P Lake City property for sale. You jjg couldn't get them to name a price on "pi any of these Main street properties. There Is virtually no property for sale :fS In the business district. I know of 1m perhaps three or four lots on Third , South and two on Second South that tJJ j could be bought not at what might be rniif; called fair prices, however." ft Little Property for Sale. This describes very well the present h situation In Salt Lake City. It explains 3 why there Is comparatively little doing I la transfers of the high-priced business j properties. It means that with the Ift rapid growth of the city now In pro- '3e gress the increase of population as j evidenced by the building of new homes I ' by the hundred It means that there rr ' must be an extension of the business )trt district j This extension has already begun. West South Temple street Is to be In 3' the new business district. There Is no R - question about that, either. It is a paved street It is close in. It is the very gateway of the new union depot. It is at the threshold of Zlon's chief attractions. The applications already received for the six new storerooms to ;( be opened about July 1 in the Empire block Indicate that business men rea- ir,' ; Hzo that the drift of the business cen- pi , ter is in that direction. It Is Inevitable. 3' ! Many New Homes. I , And the building of homes goes on I ; without the slightest sign of abatement. I ; Many of them are of four, five and six I ! rooms, but all are modern nnd sub- tantlal And among them are not a few pretentious ones, costing from $5000 I to $10. 000. I It shows that Salt Lake's new citizens !l have rome to stay. jjl ' i During the coming week thero will be K let the contract for the basement walls R ' i of Judge W.-H. Dickson's $25,000 man-f. man-f. j Blon, which is to crown Capitol hill, like U ;F a t?plendld memorial structure pro-I pro-I j claiming to the world that this Is a city I of fine homes. I : Work will also be begun during the P : week on the basement walls of the new I- . ' ?S0,000 public library building to be built on State street the splendid dona-tlon dona-tlon of a public-spirited Salt Lake City citizen, John Q. Packard. ' Work will also be started at once on the 525,000 livery alablcs to replace the old McCoy stables, and upon the Fortieth For-tieth district school building, to cost ! 420.000, i In the meantime work is progressing ns rapidly as possible on the new yards and shops of the Oregon Short Line i railroad, in North Salt Lake, and the time draws near wlvun active operations opera-tions will be begun on the million-dollar union depot. Announcement of other large Improvements Im-provements will be forthcoming a little later in the season. They are already 1 . assured. There lo In reality nothing slow about I I- Lake c,ti"' She Is progressing and growing at a healthy rate of speed. There Is nothing of a mushroom character charac-ter about It It is all substantial. Business of every kind Is on a solid j footing and Is increasing steadily in volume, week by week. "With the completion com-pletion of the rallroadfl being built and the great Irrigation projects assured, It IU Increase by bounds. Salt Lake City will have 1C0.000 population popu-lation In less than ten years from this date. Nothing can prevent It. |