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Show PROGRAMMES OF SCHOOLS ' AT PR0V0 THIS WEEK Special to The Tribune. PROVO, May 2S. The closing exercises exer-cises of the Proctor academy for the twenty-first year occur during the comlng-wcek. The following calendar will be followed out: Sunday, May 29, S o'clock Baccalaureate Baccalau-reate sermon by Rev. S. H. Goodwin at the Congregational church. Tuesday. May 31. 2 o'clock Children's matinee; 8 o'clock, children's entertainment. enter-tainment. June 1. 8 o'clock Graduating exercises exer-cises of the eighth grade. June 2, S o'clock Commencement exercises ex-ercises of the academic department. The exercises will be held In Proctor hall. The grammar department programme will consist of a piano duet by Florence Flor-ence Nunn nnd Opal Noon; violin boIo, Ralph Archibald; historical scenes, stamp act, eighth grade boys; vocal sextette, Mcsdamcs Williams and Love, Misses Cook, Hall, Post and Noon; signing the Declaration of Independence, Independ-ence, eighth grade boys: piano duet. Misses Hall and Culbertscn; Martha Washington's tea party, eighth grade girls; mandolin selection. George Atkins At-kins and company; male quartette, Messrs. Johnson. Whitehead, RobertB and Jones; address to class and a presentation of diplomas, W. D. Johnson; John-son; class song, piano quartette. Misses Hall and Davis, Mrs. E. Corfman and Miss Culbcrlson. ... The commencement exercises of the academic department will be held June 2, at S o'clock, when tho following programme pro-gramme will be given: Music, orchestra; invocation. Rev. Thomas II. Scruggs; vocal solo, Mrs. Ed Johnston; student life In fourteenth century'. Jennie Baker: clarionet solo, J. Sondrcgger; student life In the twentieth century. Helen Bonhnm-: vocal eolo, Florence Jepperson; presentation presen-tation of diplomas. Rev. P. A. Slmpkin; cornet solo, C. J. Hawkins; award of gold medal for best work In English In the academic department; orchestra; benediction. "Walter Hadfleld and Eleson Laird of Eureka were given a permit to wed. Mr. Hendrlcksen was appointed guardian of the groom, who Is 19 years old and an orphan, . Chrlstene Peterson, wife of Lars Peterson, Pe-terson, deceased, petitions for letters of administration on his estate, which is valued at 1050. S. A. King filed abstract of Judgment granted In Justice court before Thomas Thom-as John for JJW and costs, with lntcr-ost lntcr-ost at 1 per cent. Judgment vrna granted December 16. 1903. In the case of Hannah Rochnitzex vs, Sprinsrvllle city and H. T. Reynolds, which '&s triad jeaterday, tM verdict was In favor of defendants. No causo of action. In the case of Hannah Rechnltzer vs. Sprlngvllle et nl. defendants wcro given permission to file Judgment on verdict on May 31 as of this date. Tho defendants defend-ants wero accused of interfering with certain water rights of the plaintiff and suit was brought to collect damages dam-ages and tho return of certain property taken In connection with the nctlon. In the estate of H. C. Southworth. deceased, de-ceased, final account was approved and decreo of distribution granted. Cora Green was appointed guardian of Richard Bate, and Lorenzo Bate was appointed guardian of Nellie Bate and Edna Bate, minors. Estate of Knud Swensen, deceased; final account was approved and decreo of distribution granted. Guardianship of Darius H. Alton, Incompetent; In-competent; final account of guardian ! approved; guxirdlan discharged and A. B. Morgan appoluted guardian, with bonds of J500. Estate of Jano IT. Baum Thomas, deceased; de-ceased; report of commissioners In partition par-tition approved. Petition for order to sell real estate of Samuel Hadficld, deceased; set for June 11. In tho case of James A. Loveless et al. vs. Bengt .Johnson et nl., "Walter Scott was made party defendant and summons Issued. In the estato of Francis Poary, deceased, de-ceased, Canby Scott, Hobcr Stubbs and John Westphal were appointed administrators. admin-istrators. ... Principal Frank Jorgensen of the Hoytsvillo schoolB has moved to Provo, where he will reside. ... Tho Democratic city committee iasued a call for a Democratic primary to be held on Wednesday evening, Juno 1, at S o'clock. In the courthouse, for the purpose pur-pose of nominating fifteen delegates to the Stato convention which is to be held in Salt Lake City June 0. ... Tho W. T. Sherman post No. C will hold memorial service tomorrow at the Congregational church. Rev. Thomas Thom-as H. Scruggs will deliver the memorials memo-rials address, and on Decoration day the G. A. R. boys and their comrades will hold memorial services in Sprlngvllle. Sprlng-vllle. ... Apostle George A. Smith was In Trovo today. ... Jennie Wllklris and hex daughter, Winnie, will spend vacation with tholr relatives in St. Louis and take in the fair. o3txna.3ter Lo Lcjrronce, -ct Spanish Fork Is vhltlng Provo and Is quietly mingling with Utah county politicians. ... President Joph F. Smith was in Provo this morning. ... The Nlpotenth Century club met at the home of Mrs. Corfman on Friday. Tho subject of the dajr, "Thomas Moore," wan under the direction of Mrs. Love. who. with the aftsdstanco of the Round Table, made the programme pro-gramme not only Instructive, but entertaining. en-tertaining. Miss Culbertvon and Mr. Corfman gave an Instrumental duet. Mrs. Love gave a sketch of the life and character charac-ter of tho poet, while Minn Kellogg outlined out-lined and dlseuseed hln literary works. Mis Clark rend one of hi poems. The musical part of the programme was furnished by Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Reed, Mies Noon and Mrn. Corfman. During a rece the hontetfg served refreshments. A pointing presented to the club by Miss Magulrc and disposed of by the club was the meatu of raising funds as a donation to the free traveling library. A number of guests enjoyed the hospitality hos-pitality oC the club. After reca each member responded to roll-call with a quotation from Thomas Moore. The club adjourned for the summer vacation. |