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Show lieiii of ll Racing Time Has I Been Cut Down. TwoIvg Years Nearly Jafe" One Minute Has Been Clipped Off. I I .John Johnson Rode First Mile Under j I Two Minutes Record Is III Now 1:07. MjlN'vIew or the fast miles being- mado In I cyc'd racing, somothlng of past record breaking Is interesting, for It shows Mi how the blcyclo record has come down Wf1 lwelve J cars from 1:50 3-3 to 1:07. Ml First Mile "Under Two Minutes. fBfJn 1S52, when Johnny Johnson mado tho j2rat mile under two minutes, tho tlmo ras doubted all over tho world, for John-MKn John-MKn was then under tho management of ?Tom Eck, and all cycling experts thought It was another of Eck's "sensations," but Eck offered to dupllcato tho performance K!th Johnson, and at Dubuque, la., paced lily a running horse hitched to a sulky ifctlth a ohlcld, Johnson rodo the mllo bc-I bc-I ?r n-blg crowd of officials and horse-l!AD.,,'w,tl horse-l!AD.,,'w,tl at leflBt fltt' watches bcuig held &Jilm, doing the mile in l:M 5-G.-(K a , following year was one for records, jTT , 1,10 mll was orought down to 1:52, Ut c,very year afterward four or flvo DBcnds was lopped off. FjBw. "Will Stlnaon rodo a mile, pacid Sftua, mot"yclc. in 1:27. lie only held il 1 1. ,,a Bhort tJrao 08 m Ul fH of that ll;rJAjor Taylor. fio colored rider, W,l i , by a steam motorcycle, which was linmply a big swam boiler mounted on a l.Undom. at Garfield park In Chicago, rodo 5!hL7lue.Ln 1-2i1'5- This mark stood all fi$i,h thc year 01 1M2 u,u" fall, wh.m jIw . rs be61" to ride milos In compc-rltt?.,1" compc-rltt?.,1" 1P aPd n3 lovr 33 1:18- It was 'Mfca tho"Sht that tho limit of speed had fmTfl ",IC!cl,edf but tlie year 1903 camo along filiE? Jn mI)I'1.1 Harry E,kca- ,n hla nrst raco, Jjfw A,lnllc5 In 1:11 At Charles river track Tf ""nseir out on bis last fatal ride, covered Krf.afl?..m,,c "P t0 tho sixteenth, when fWtart13, kl cd at 1:11 t0 and some lMl TTu?C mUes 1,0 rodo as low as 1:00, Af-fl'iL Af-fl'iL i cvont t,lcro WHS a lcL UP l fast M-iEl ' aa ,lw ,lcath of Bikes caused a Tiffvu "nwng thc riders. In July littlo ?fftii011 bc&an lf lower records, but hla Ifi?,!:. tliem waa on'y for a few days, Jifncn Nat Butler took a lift at them. Walthour's Sensational Ride. jK-!ile.i.Ir,.03t sensational rldo of the year 'iWtoTi.v" 0,1 Ju'y 2. In tlic raco between IIiin2IUl0,Ur and Leander, when Walthour ViV fotl "Jtecil miles at an averago of 1;K. aiifln .iKi four f tho miles at a 1:0S pace, and lSll"gup the last in 1:07, tho fastcbt MiM.; '"He ever made on a blevele. Both llfci w"ro 111 tho very pink of shape, and Htfoht Co,ndiUon of tho weather was just llv JLf0r rccords, Walthour was calling IfuMi?oro nr,eo'l at overy mile, and had hla aBv7.!rman had tho nervo Walthour could bianiiSontf faster Then came the hour K';lrS start record mado by Bonnie foof lit miles. Oil ynrds In the hour. &u. dtl,ys 'ater Harry Caldwell rode CO yards In tho hour. Dnngln, t re nth rldor, followed this with a Ktart of r.2 mllfs in tlie hour, but TBffJv!'cnc'1 "cords arc not recognized In K,, c,untry. as they aro mado behind KnpJ "flection motocyeles, with BhleldK loK't 20 l"clcs up to -IS. Contcnct wur da."Kla with riding &1 miles In tho jbllJ Caldwell''etfirf etim1 f0jr ul'ope. I standing start aro the best In this country. coun-try. New Records Expected- Last year's records arc expected to fall this season when "Walthour returns to Amerlwu It can be safely said that miles will bo ridden in competition as low as ono minuto and that tho hour record will go to DC miles. Tracks will bo built to stand the clip of a mllo a minute. The year 1001 will undoubtedly bo a great year, not only In the racing game, but in general gen-eral cyelo riding, for men who arc leaders In the gamo aro making preparations to bring thc results that way. Thcso aro tho samo men who made cycling the succoss It was the banner years of 1S97 and tho several years afterward. The list of champions of last year's racing rac-ing is as follows: Last Year's Champions. Paced champion of the world Bobby W alihour. Professional champion of tho world-Frank world-Frank Li. Kramer. Amateur champion of the world Marcus I. Hurley. Wnlthour's winning tho six-day race made him thc world's long distance champion. cham-pion. Tho holders of records up to the hour and other distances aro as follows: 1 lo 15 miles Walthour. If. to GO miles Harry Caldwell. O) to 75 miles Walthour. 74 to 7C miles Jimmy Moran. CO-hour champion Walthour. 72-hour champion Walthour. Six-day champion Walthour. During the year 1CKCJ Walthour of tho Columbia team rode in c:i races, winning CO, losing 13. Lennder to Abandon Paced Racing. George Leander of Chicago, who won the "New York six-day bicycle race in 1902, has given up paced racing and will devote himself to the sprint game., He had a couple of falls at Atlanta. Ga.. which cured his ambition to following the motors at tho terrific clip now demanded, and Instead In-stead will -ry for hpnoru on tho grand circuit as a member of thc Rambler team. Iu his raco at Atlanta .Leander covered fifteen miles In 19.07. a world's record for an eight-lap track, whirling over the last mile in 1:13 2-5. |