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Show MINERS PROSPER AS REPORT SHOWS General Manager Williams of tho Utah Fuel Company Gives Out Interesting Figures. GENERAL LVNAGER II. O. WILLIAMS WIL-LIAMS of the Utah Fuel company has Just completed statistics covering cover-ing tho number of minors and their wages at tho mlns In Castle Gate, Sun-nyalde, Sun-nyalde, Winter Quarters nnd Clear Creok. Owing to the fact that tho company had plenty of men the mines in no caso workid full tlmo or overtime. Ai Winter Quarters tho mines were worked twenty-two twenty-two days, and hero there wero eighteen men who made over $100 In tho month. One man in nineteen days mado 113.37. As tho men are paid by tho amount of coal they mine, and in no case worK over eight hours, It is thp good workers who receive tho greatest pay check. At SunnyHldo the mines were worked twenty-six days, and here forty-two men received over $100 for April. One man in twenty-two days received $12 and four In twenty-five daytj received over $154 each, the highest being $161 for the twen-ly-ftvo days. At Cnstlo Gate, which Is the hardest mine to work, the mines were worked twenty-five days, and fourteen men received re-ceived over JlOo for their pay check. Tho best miner hero In twenty-five days received re-ceived $177.51. or $7.10 a day. Ono Italian worked live days and received S33.7C. At Clear Creek tho averages run very high, with only twenty-three working days, but flfty-nlno men In twenty-tJirco days made over 5100. The high man at this mlno worked twenty days and his pay check was $151.50 for mat time. The average hero was very close to $0 a day. Tho recapitulation shows that even considering con-sidering the slow men and tho bad and lnalffcront workers with tho good ones, that the avocago dally wage for the mines was exactly $1.02 per man. The output was greater than in April. 1M3, and In excest slightly of commercial and other uhcs, so that the comparative statement for tho month was wholly satisfactory. Tho committee of tho union left the city yesterday and no now developments have arisen In their efforts to get tho company to change Its policy toward tho strikers. |