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Show AMUSEMENTS... j MAUDE ADAMS played at Sacramento Sacra-mento on Friday night, and opens an engagement of two weeks in San Francisco tomorrow tomor-row night. While here Miss Adams sent to many of her old acquaintances tokens of remembrance in the form of tickets to her performances, and at the close of the engagement gave liberal tips to all the stage hands of the Salt Lake theater. Gov. Wells yesterday received a letter from Maude Adams and Mrs. Adams, expressing their appreciation of Salt Lako hospitality. The letter was written on the train, and Is as follows: May 26, l90t 10 a. roll. ro-ll. M. Wells. Governor of Utah: Dear Sir: On tho outer shoro of' Great Salt Lako two wandering natives nnd recipients re-cipients of tho lovo and bounty of your great State, heartily extend through you their loving, grateful thanks to ono and all. SseShAdams Kbleaddcn. Charles W. Mcakin has closed his season of forty weeks as manager for Charles B. Hanford and is now in New York completing his arrangements for the coming season. Mr. Hanford's tour was a financial success and Mr. Mea-kln Mea-kln has received a flattering offer to direct di-rect his affairs for another season. Mr. Mcakin will arrive in Salt Lake about June 15 to spend a few weeks with his parents and brother. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Meakln and Dr. Fred V. Mcakin. He will visit the World's Fair at St. Louis for a few days. Charles Frohman and John Drew arrived ar-rived In Paris last Monday. Mr. Frohman Froh-man has arranged for Mr. Drow to appear ap-pear in an entirely new play by Mr. Augustus Thomas, the American author, au-thor, who is making his home In Paris. The subject is of a purely American character, and Mr. Drew will Impersonate Imper-sonate an American typo of the Rough Rider school. The new play will not bo ready for the opening of the new sea-gon, sea-gon, but will bo produced later at the Empire theater, New York. Mabel Tallafero, the young woman who has made a decided hit as Lovcy Man' in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." is suffering from the effect of an accident which may turn out to be so serious as to mean her permanent retirement from the stage. Two weeks ago Miss Tallafero carelessly rubbed a bit of "make-up" Into her left eye. The next day she noticed her eye was greatly great-ly Inflamed and she consulted an oculist. ocu-list. Soon the- other eye became Inflamed. In-flamed. Miss Tallafero Is now undergoing undergo-ing treatment in this city at a private sanitarium. The doctors in the case, while hoping for the bost. believe Miss Tallafero's future stage work hangs In the balance. Sho may lose the sight of one or both eyes |