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Show p ALIGHTS jf SONS OF ELI I lie Captures College (?j Cliampionship. uljrvard Finishes Second Sf With Pennsylvania tyiJi Third. 'fW' Inter-Collegiate Records Aro aid ' broken nd Another Is Equaled. V,HILA DELPH IA, May 28. Yale ! ) university carried off first honors "f -t jn the lnter-collegiate champlon- r5 Bh,ps on Franklin FIeld thIs nf '"l5l l hrceon, after a hard fight. Instead of f '4 1 jsty points, ns predicted, only nine " : J. jlnt9 wparated the New Haven repre- rf!4i j&tativcs from their old rival, ""ft i Birvard The Cambridge men. beat ct'ti fesnsylvanla by only 1 1-3 points. The e.dai ,rej of the eleven point winners are Co!r o follows' atCs 'Yale, 34 1-3- Harvard, 231-3; Pennsyl-wi'.s Pennsyl-wi'.s (itU, 21. Princeton, 15; Cornell, 15; i tp-acuse, 101-3; Colgate, 6; Columbia, Bltni K; Amherst. -5; New York university, iisj d ltd Havertord, 2. rsfij !Tele took three firsts, two seconds, 6 ft&i :t third and seven fourths; Harvard, d';! i'tfcree firsts, one second, one third and ii'ii 'K fourth; Pennsylvania, one first, aiekitl 'Mr ttc'on9' three thirds and one - tT. fccrth, Princeton, one first, two sec-tosfci sec-tosfci adi, one third and two fourths; Corse Cor-se id!, two fimts. two thirds and one riS' to1Tili; Syrac use, one first and one ':j2 llcfrd, Colgate, two seconds; Columbia, 3 ok first, Amherst, one second and one lr & third, New York university and Havcr-i5 Havcr-i5 fcnl, one third each. Besides this Yale, Himrd and Syracuse divided first lorors In the pole vault. 'T I Two Records Brokon. fTht performance of the men was as kiwi f was has been seen at any lnter-col-'ISS ' Hffate meet. Two lntcr-colleglate uitirtcords wer- broken and a third was 'j" .frjnalled, while in several other events 'ten die time mad was within fractions of tfjj e best figures. J. B. Taylor, the col-is col-is ertd member of Pennsylvania's track team, broke the record of 49 2-5 seconds In winning the quarter-mile run. Ho finished two yards In the lead, running easily. The pole vault record of 11 feet 7 inches was passed and the new figure placed at 11 feet 7U inchea by R. B. Grlng of Harvard, H. L. Gardiner, Syracuse, and W. McLanahan of Y'alef who wero tied for first place. On tho Jump off for medals, McLanahan Mc-Lanahan cleared the bar at 1L feet 0 inches, but these figures will not stand because they were made after tho event had ended. The record equalled was that for tho half-mile, 1:56 4-5. and was dono by E. B. Parsona of Yale. Ho could have undoubtedly passed the figures' had he been pushed hard. The surprise of the day was Yale's failure to come up to expectations and the good showing made by Pennsylvania. Pennsyl-vania. Yalo scored more fourths than she did firsts, seconds and thirds put together. Pennsylvania's unexpected strength lay In Cantmcll and Dear, both of whom ran. welL Running broad jump Final won by Stangland, Columbia, 23 feot CV inches, 220-yard hurdle Final won by Clapp, Yale.. Tlmo, 24 3-G seconds. Hammer thrownlng Final won by De-wltt, De-wltt, Prlncoton, 161 feet 3 Inches. Polo vault Final. Grlng, Harvard, Gardiner, Gar-diner, Syracuse, and McLanahan, Yalo, tied for first place at 11 feet 7V1 Inches, breaking the Intercollegiate record of 11.7, held by Gardiner, Syracuse, and Horton, Princeton. 230-yard dash Final won by Schick, Harvard. Time, 212-5 seconds. Shot put Final won by Schocnfuas, Harvard, 44 foot 4 Inches. 440-yards Final won by Taylor, Pcnn-pylvanla. Pcnn-pylvanla. Time. 491-5 xseconda. This breaks the Intercollegiate- record of 40 2-5 seconds, hold by M. W. Long, Columbia. 120-yard hurdle Won by Clapp, Yale, Time, 15 S-5 seconds. Running high Jump Final won by Lowe, Syracuse, 5 feet 11 Inches. 100-yard dash Final won by Schick, Harvard. Har-vard. Tlmo, 30 seconds. Two-mile run Final won by Schutt, Cornell. Time, 047a.i. Half-mljo run Final won by Parsons, Yale. Time. 1:30 4-5, which equals tho Intercollegiate In-tercollegiate record. Wilcox Is Golf Champion. GARDKN' CITY. L. I., May 7S. -f -4- Harold' Wilcox of St Paul's school, Garden City, but entered from tho 4- Mont Clair Golf club, won tho final in tho Metropolitan Golf association -f -f- championship tournament. -f- Wilcox defeated Percy R. Pyne, second, of the Morris County club, Intercollegiate champion of four -f years ago and a player of greater cxpcrlcnco and higher rating than today's winner, by six up and four -f to play. It was a thlrty-.ilx-holo match, -4- Wilcox's score being 1Z6 and that of Pyno W. Tennis Champion Defeated. BOSTON. May 2S. William A. Larncd. tho former national tennis champion, was defeated today by Beals C. Wright In straight sots at the Country club Brook-llnc, Brook-llnc, 6-4. 8-5. |