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Show SPICE. Betty So Maude is engaged? Well. I'm sorry for the man. She doesn't know the first thing about keeping house. Bessie Oh. yes, she does. Betty I'd like to know what? BosIo The flmt thing Is to get a man to keep house for. Harper's Bazar. 4 "I wonder why people spcalc of 'horvo fcuse' so much. Is a horse supposed to havo moro seuae than tho average man?" "Sometimes. For Instance, r horse never nev-er goc on a race track until after ho '3 broke." Philadelphia Ledger. a "How do you liko that college aong MJrs Screecher Is lnglng?" "Is that a college song? I thought it was a college yen. Puck. m w Lord Brokelelgh (pompously) I'vo called, sir. v.o request you daughter's hand In marriage. Mr. Roxley That's out of the question, ray matt. However. I don't want to seem altogotlnr uncharitable, no here's i& for you. Philadelphia Pre. m Crumbs of comfort never come from eating crackers in bed. Philadelphia Record. Rec-ord. m "When I saw him yesterday he cald he wan looking for trouble." "Well. I gucsa he saw it." "How do you know?" "Because he can't see anything today." Philadelphia Pre. |