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Show Helen Kearns. j THIS evening at St. Mary's cathedral tho annual ceremony of crownlm? the iitatuo of the Virgin will take' place. Little llolen Kearns, the da:Tghter of Senator and Mrs. Kourns, hea been sel-ctcd to crown tho statue, and will be attended by her brothers, Edward and Thomas, Jr. The following musical programmo has been itrranged, to bo given under the direction of Miss Nora Glcason: Rosary, followed by LlUny. li'mn SololHt, Nelllo Geary .Mrst Communicants' Consecration.... Malda Hegney Hymn.... Soloist. Clara Fafok Act of Conaacratlon Margaret Collins Hymn Soloist, Marguerite Locke Procession of children. Venl Creator Millard Soloist. J. D. Sullivan. Sermon, followed by honedlctlon. O Salutarls Soloist. R. C. Dunbar Tantum Ergo Rossi Sololsu Miss Owen. R. C. Dunbar, , , J. D. Sullivan. Ave Maria ,vbt J , ' Miss Owen. Laudato Domlnum Gregorian Organist and director, Miss Nora Glengon |