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Show 1 j Some Lively News From Utah County, j Special Correspondence The Tribune. ? ITOVO, May 2S. The one subject of J conversation politically herc- j abouts since my last has been the 1 address of Senator Smoot befor the Ladies' Republican club of this city ' on thelGth irtoL 'j Tour correspondent was not present, p and did not hear tho remark made that f . haa caused bo much comment, but ha I heard It discussed by several presenL It t rxiB that tho Herald correspondent ;', "who gave the news Item gave It In snch way that it could be misconstrued; at 1 ; last. It was misconstrued, if reports are true; but the Herald correspondent la a Republican. Some hero are criticising the Senator , lor making such a remark in public, j yet what was said was not so bad au I' the manner In which It was twisted to , me P00' although It has been aid by a good many that It seemed rather out of place for the remark to oe made, even if he did think that New j lork might go Democratic. The idea that Senator Smoot was trying to lm-( lm-( press upon his hearers, so It Is told your , correspondent, was that President t oocvelt was a man of the people; that . ne was always trying to guard their in- terests, as agalnBt the interests of the. jj trusts, and that by so doing he might . nave offended some of tho large corpo- rations, and especially the Wall street m People. Because of this he might pos-, pos-, bly Iobq New York, but if he did lose j CTi ork on account of this, It was a t matter that we might well be proud of, t RJ we had a President who would stand j up for the rights of the people, a man t vrno could not be dictated to by the money power. It Is well known that Senator Smoot nas a high regard for tho President, aria 10 try to make it appear that Sen-. Sen-. Ator Smoot was trying to "dig Presl- !. aent Roosevelt under the fifth rib" Is jot of the vcrlc3t sort. No one who Knows Senator Smoot will for a mo-jnent mo-jnent take any stock In the nonsense that has been printed concerning this incident, f Tn county chairman having called k ;0r names for registration ofilcers from i J ,e different precinct's denotes that the fcHrne Is fast approaching when the ma- Ifffl ' "unnlf thC pol,tical narllcs v,,u be EhJp WfL11 Js Bald that the political trust, al-Wmough al-Wmough very quiet at present, is quietly arranging matters to try and shut out at the primaries all they think will not stand in with the ring, but what Is worrying wor-rying them just now is to find a way to do It without being exposed. If matters are left with the people to adjust at the primaries, without any attempt to push through any slate, It will bo well, but if slates are brought out the Indications uro that they will be smashed as fast as they arc brought to light. Tlw people are getting pretty well acquainted ac-quainted with the objects in view by certain people, and will be on the lookout look-out and ready for any surprises that may be sprung. It Is said that the slate, as agreed upon up-on by certain ones who wish to manipulate manip-ulate matters for their own good, is De Mbisey for State chairman, Looec for national committeeman, Callister for Governor, Glazier for Treasurer, with the understanding that If this should be opposed too strongly in the near future he will be a candidate for some other State position, and in this event TIngey will be induced to run for Treasurer, It Is very amusing to note the way in which some people are being pushed to the front with the statement that they will be the choice of and have the solid support of the county. The only thing to do In a case of this kind is to wait aild sec what you see, but It's dollars to doughnuts that no one who Is being pushed to the front and groomed for positions po-sitions by the so-called trust will or can get a solid delegation from this county, unless there is a change of sentiment between now and the time the convention conven-tion meets. If we are to carry off any of tho State positions wc mii3t go to the convention solid, or we are lost. To say that tho trust's candidates will be unitedly supported sup-ported is, to say the least, stretching things, a3 it appears at present. Will some people ever get their ears close to the ground and hear what tho people arc saying? It is to be hoped so for tho good of tho cause. The national convention will soon be in session, arid the delegates from our dear old Utah will soon be on their way to cast tho solid vote of the State for Roosevelt. It is rumored hereabouts by tho knowing ones that Col. Ed Loose is to be made national committeeman from this State, and that the campaign Is to be made a pro-Smoot campaign from one end of the State to the other. rcgardlesB of the consequences. It is questioned by many if this is to be the programme questioned as to tho wisdom wis-dom of tho policy, but hb it Is only a quiet rumor we will wait and see If this is tho programme. It Is asserted by the knowing ones that Col. Loose Is already slated as the national committeeman from Utah. It Is stated that the candidacy of Mr. Frank Beers for Assessor has Just aroused matters political in Pleasant Grove; that tho boys at that place are up In arms over the matter; and it appears ap-pears from what has been said that there will be something doing if certain people try to force the nomination. It Is asserted that It has already been agreed upon by tome, and that It Is very annoying to some of the boys, who won't stand for it for a minute, yet if the nomination la made it will work out all right. But it all dopends on Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove. Pleasant Grove has been doing well of late years, and it will not do to allow anything to come along to please a few which will disrupt the party there. Never mind, boys; when tho convention meets tho people from the county will have something to say. and a few will not be able to have It all their own way. From all that can be learned the workers work-ers in the parly are beginning to arous"c themselves, and havo determined deter-mined to have something to say. One was heard to remark a few days ago. "Wo will not He down this year; we have done so before, but thl3 year we will have something to say ourselves. It's Presidential year, and we must and will win, and to do this all must be in the harness, to obtain this end. All must be heard and respected. No boss-Ism boss-Ism this year for me." It seems to be in the air that the people will be heard, and a sentiment will 00 worked up for I Roosevelt und the party that will sweep the Democrats out of sight this fall. It lc now said that the reward for the Secrotary, In payment of his dc-fenso dc-fenso of tho Utah county's political tnif.t Is tho nomination for County Treasurer. The Democrats in this county arc In distress over their organ. They Kay in is a miserable sheet, and that as a help to the party It Is a failure. A prominent promi-nent Democrat was observed some little lit-tle time ago to pick up the sheet nnd remark, "There's nothing In it." Which was a fact that could not bo disputed. Some of the prominent Democrats are, it is said, casting around to see what can be done to obtain a paper that will be of some use to the party. Tho postmaster has returned from the World's fair. Ho returned rather early, and It Is thought that some very Important Impor-tant business brought him home before his work was done nt tho Postmasters' convention, as he made his return to the city on Tuesday morning, and was busy, thoy say, with several Important callers eoon after, and on Wednesday morrilng 4 1 was busily engaged with E. D. Callister. Callis-ter. There was a very Important meeting held on Wednesday not more than a mile from the postolllce. In which a number of gentlemen took part. The expressions, upon the faces of those who participated In said meeting told very plainly that matters of Importance Impor-tance wero to be discussed, and the difference, that was visible upon those faces when the meeting adjourned, was construed that a chango of baso had been decided upon, and certain matters cleared up to the satisfaction of those present. It is said that the postmaster. Internal Revenue Collector, and one or two others were present, and matters of vital Importance (to them) were discussed. dis-cussed. Since several matters have been related re-lated in print It Is BUid that It has .been deemed advisable to make a chango of base, to show the public that what has been said Is not true. It is now reported that tho trust's candidate will not under un-der the conditions that exist at present bo pushed for tho Slato Trcasurership, as it has been decided that It would be rather rubbing it In to do so. It seems that the State Treasurer Is one of the board of tho State institution, located at Trovo: that as Senator Smoot is from Utah county, and a relative stands at the head of the institution it would be a very unwise thing to push another relative for a position, that would rather savor making It a family affair, af-fair, so It has been thought advisable to change the matter. And now It will be the Secretary of State that will be wanted from this county, and If a deal can bo made to unite tho counties of Salt Lake nnd .Utah on the deal with the help that can be secured from other sources the plaqe can be landed, that is If the county can be brought to a unit, nnd indorse the trust's candidate. Tills is now the task to be taken up by several sev-eral of tho push. If It works alt will bo well (with, them); If not, well laid plans ; may "go awry." I Other matters were discussed at tho mooting referred to, and it was thought that the matter could bo kept quiet, but in some way It leaked out, and will be discussed now by the knowing ones. It 1h really too bad, but It seems that It is impossible to have these matters kept secret very long, and it is the cause of a good deal of worry to some people who arc wondering how It "gets out." S R. Thurman, it Is said, Is being urged by his Democratic friends to accept ac-cept the nomination for District Judge. But the Judge shakes his head and says. "Not this time, boys: some othr time I might accept; but not with Koosevelt at the head of tho ticket. It doesn't look good to me," Some of the Democrats think if he could be persuaded to enter the field .that they would have some show to carry car-ry the district; but admit that he Is I the only man they have that could possibly pos-sibly win out Some of the Democrats begin to think that because some of tho counties in the State have what they term scraps on, that they will be able to win with hands down this fall. On this they will be sadly mistaken. If there are any scraps to.be fought they will be fought within the party, and when the time comes Republicans will be found fighting fight-ing shoulder to shoulder to defeat the common enemy. Utah Ms and will be found in the Republican column; her every Interest Is with the party of progress pro-gress and advancement, and will without with-out doubt this fall show to the Nation that Utah Is for protection, prosperity, reciprocity, and that she will not bo led away with any campaign cry tho Democrats Demo-crats may invent. REPUBLICAN. |