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Show pB Grain 3 Market Depressed jjj Figures on tho July Delivery 1,1 ! Wero Forced Down One-1J One-1J f& Half Cent. iry wyiCAGO. May 23. Lower cables and ' ir continued favorable weather de-ait? de-ait? i pressed wheat prices today, llnal flg-i flg-i rCS on the July delivery being down I Corn is ofr Oats show a loss of '"jF i Provisions are 2',c higher to 5c Jii Jt weather and cables caused moderate if K3e ot wheat at tho start, resulting In t i3lbt dccIInc July hcns otC S0' at nu t EiS!0- I"1"61"0 was so"10 buying that -!J2! -Vfj llko covering of the samo charac- f? p t1131 na3 bcen in "rorcS3 tor several jf3xr This demand had a tendency to hold kt ljlfo'it fairly steady at tho Initial dealings. ijlL'ttr, however, holders of Slay com-Jfcnced com-Jfcnced to liquidate Ensuing weakness fyjErd considerable selling In other '-t"Wflth3. causing losses all around. Tho J" lijjMjicmbcr showed a fair degree of flrm-R, flrm-R, due. to purchases of nearly 1,000,000 a'iShel8 bv a house with Northwest con-rj con-rj iyf-tlons. Extremo fluctuations marked the lniWilPff In May- and much difficulty was Wlniencl in making sales. Wf'ti4'r selling off to So&GSSTic July i&e WilM at S5Tc. May ranged between Doc 'tWmc, closing at G6;(,c. Clearances of ' JKpVv and flour wero equal to 000 bush-t bush-t !f T'.mary receipts wore K,CD bushols, V, ialnsl a holiday a yenr ago. Mlnne-V' Mlnne-V' 31,(1 Po'uth and Chicago reported jA-5ljblpls of 64 cars, against 02 cars lust Eitlir.ent In corn was decidedly boar-due boar-due to unusually heavy receipts and '1 icst perfect weather conditions for the rowing crop July opened WJpVic higher; ?' 1 1' 17&fj4c- sol'l down to 4G;ic and closed W11 ii 4Tc. Local receipts were 654 cars, with C of contract m ade. J 0M cre und(r similar bearish Inllu-:-' eCJ in the matter of weather. After M t?dn; a shade lower, at 3S3ic July do-tejd do-tejd to 3SV and closed at 3Sic Local JV i rtftlpts were 142 cars. i Provisions wire irnctlcally deserted and ' taiMss almost at a standstill. The easier 1 1 fee In grains offset a. 11 rm hog market fll isi caused slight looses. July pork closed Mc lower, at $11 27. July lard was off w& fit J3.47',t. Ribs wero up 2c, at pANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES. i-ArlicIcs. Open. High. Low. Close. 1 Wheat No 2 vjv 96"i PT'.i 951A 0ST4 fffk (old) S7 S7iA SC 87 Uik (new) USX SG 55 85 lEtpUold) ... . S24 S2'. S2l S2Vi I fett. (new) . . SO-Vi S0 60 S0 JCom No. 2 i!iv -1714 -I7V 40',$ 4G rf:lr -17 -17 4G1. 47- i Renter . .. 47ft 47 -16 46i (Oils No 2 lisy -11 -11 41 41Vi ,Jily 3S 3Si 33 3SHs fctUmber . .. 30i 30i 33 30 ifltts pork Jsiy 11 30 11.30 11.23 11.27 folember . 11 55 11.55 11.50 11.55 fLird- Jiiy C.47A 0.474 C.17 C.47& I fcntembcr . . . 6. Co C.C7 C.C2 G.C7 SI Short ribs hlr C.53 C.571 C.52Vt G.57it (Siptcmbcr 6.75 C.75 G.GTifc 6.75 I CASH QUOTATIONS. I fCiih quotations were as follows: Flour, lttAdy, winter patents, $4.7Offl.S0: D liralghts. tlJOO; spring patents, tl.ttTb J. 4ft straights. $3 9ftfl-1.20; bakers'. ?2.G34i ID: No. 2 spilns wheat. 92Q07c; No. 3, S5 J 4?7c, Xo 2 ml, J1.051.00; No. 2 corn. m fec;No 2 yellow. 4SVic; No. 2 oats, 4Hi'2! 1 "Che. N'o. 2 white. 43c; No. 3 white 41$ Jjil Xo. 2 rj'i'. 72c; good feeding barley, Jj 6ic; fair to choice malting, 45G6c; No. f 'I ax seed. 51.00; No. 1 Northwestern. t-Wi; prime timothy seed, ?3 05; mess Sjork, per barrel. SU.20O11.25; lard, per 100 i foends, JG.WjC 4l; short ribs sides 0Me). J6 37--.'JiC.50; short clear sides l (loxtd). ;.j.255z5.SO; whisky, basis of high Jt Ttntr, tl 2S, clover, contract grade, ?10.75. 11 RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. I Recpts. Shlpmts. (Flour, barrels 21.100 28.700 ! Wheat, bush- is 14.000 10,900 I' Corn, bushels 352.000 G51.200 Oats, bushels 142.700 130.4CO Rye, bushels 4.000 2.900 Earley, bushels 2-1.200 G.SOO J PRODUCE EXCHANGE. J On the produce exchange today tho but-tr but-tr market was oteady; creameries. 13fl 1T&!, dairies, 12tj13c; eggs, steady, at cirk, cases Included, 1515l.ic; cheese, 'jteady, TQDc i Coast Grain. 1 flsAX FRANCISCO. May 25. 'Wheat i Teak, December. $1 31K. Barley Weak; December. 5L05. y "Weekly Bank Statement I'XEW YORK. May 2S. The statement of jveragca of the clearing-house banks of Lis city for the week shows; k?ns S1.040.4S3.4CO 'Decrease 1C, 070, 100 'DfPoslta 1.00S.955.600 iricreaso 1,G12,CC0 Circulation 37.001.G00 Uncrcaso 521,2(0 Legal tenders 1.155.300 Increase 3.012.3C0 fpedo 233.275.400 JlBcrcaao 13.272,300 i Kcien-e required 274.73375 Ulcreaso J. 403,150 t purylus 29,CO,325 1 v. crcaso 10,CSS,,0 I tx. L, S depoalls 35.911.775 I cj Increaso 1G.107.1W ,v. .YORK. May 2S.-The suspension I -yJ.DUSmcss on the slock exchange today robbed the weekly bank statement of .niach of lis usual slgnlllcance. Tho state-' state-' fjenl, was ln accord with most most of ;'iifV;cCaal8 0XCPt l" the cash gain 'tiin twan amount greater by several nuillona than was oxpectcd. Tho big lu- "tas'rln this item Indicates that the flow or money io this center at this time Is f rff?ond Kencral estimate. The Financier I . F8 says: "The stilklng feature of vne ofriclal statomcnt of tho New York I w2cla,led uan53 was tho unexpected Mlri of SIG.2&I.90O ln cash holdings. This II V?s larB?b' luo to tho fact that tho aver-if,!. aver-if,!. . ab.out 7'- """Hons of the dlsbursc- y the treasury in tho previous week the 9 millions to tho Republic of Pana-h7tWaa Pana-h7tWaa '"eluded In the cash receipts of I 'iff.1 nnd also tp the fact that the Mint, rcclPtB of money resulting from tho I ItIu . , movement vero almost unprc-cP unprc-cP tculy largo for the season, amount-i"?J. amount-i"?J. nearly 10" millions. Mb- avcrago loss to tho banks rcsult-I..7. rcsult-I..7. Irni sub-treasury operations and ::l0i' exports was partly ofTset by receipts nfv "omcstlc gold. It Is noteworthy that ftfrt Ka,n 1,1 sl'0cle was more than $10,000,-greater $10,000,-greater than that In legal tenders, tho Ittv. r arc I'owcver, at tho maximum of l?L.a.na v,'oro decreased SIG.070,100. follow-liM?.3, follow-liM?.3, ""Watlon In this Item ln tho pre- yious w00k of j22.375.KO. making S33.44G.000 K'lrai i rorlnB" 'Jlio decrease lust week Wtr'.i UlrBulX tlue, as was tho case In tho Kirn ous, w?Pk, to tho cancellation on "c debts. Tho reaction ln tho Gov-Snent Gov-Snent funds for the week was S1.DC3.500. Hn? .Wl.243.GfO In throe weeks, to $24,-mTm'- the smallest amount since such do-U"'" do-U"'" bean to bo separately reported HPetobcr n, 1002 Hfenn cail? of liquidation ln loans, tho Th? dipoBlts wore decreased $1,612,000: Ir-ftrMo "? of thc 5nln In cash, lens tho ric-IliimMi! ric-IliimMi! loans. was $214,800. or $l,397,SO0 llithir,rr tna" the Iosh ln deposits, and Fr-ThV l l0Ti. tnc Btatcmont did not balance. ff rea-uIrcd reserve wua reduced $403,150 through tho decrease In deposits, adding which diminution ln rcsorvo requirement to a net gain ln canh made $16,USi.OiO as the Increase In surplus reserve to $29,- "Th'o clcarSnB.s reported on Saturday, representing Friday's business, wore $161,-Liy.ClL $161,-Liy.ClL Comparisons of loans onoyf that i |