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Show A "WOilAN IN BUSINESS. I Sha Heeds Help in Placing Hfepi Many a woman with mony to lay and who cannot afford to procnJrl S r.ate puts oft the placing of an invest If ; ment day after day, because, havlni r had no experience in business, nh hi m-timid m-timid about making the Hrst ntp . Ourrin .ft Co.. the investment bookers1 F have been tho means of helping hun- & droda of Just Huch women. They hav ' placed their money advantngeouslrf afl whore It will constantly net a comllirfl fortable Income, with abwlutely noP trouble to the Investor except durln K the process of the transaction, it u, natural that a woman should exercise more caro In placing her money In an' k investment than a man, because if all her capital were lOHt. her capacity, to earn moro money Is a great deal f' loss. Speculations are often tempti" lng, but never entirely safe, and why fe-oxperlment fe-oxperlment with your pavings when at vtll old, established, rellablo firm will A; jruarantee you six per cent on your lltn money? Thero is absolutely no risk.-feU no dangor. You aro allowed to hold R. tho security yourself, and any one you jfcj desire to have examine the papers will K be permitted to do so. Remember that bl whenever a question arises an to the- Kb-Judiciousness Kb-Judiciousness of an investment, tho firm K reserves for itself tho benefit of the Kfc doubt. It has had experlenco that will t7 be of Infinite value to you. I |