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Show Concert Pleases Large Audience A large and appreciative audi- ence gathered at the Pleasant N Grove high school auditorium Wednesday Wed-nesday evening to hear the concert given by Uie Junior and Senior . high school bands and by the Cen- r tral school orchestra. Irwin Jensen i directed the bands and Miss Bctha Storrs Uie orchestra. The concert was sponsored by Uie Band Mothers club as a means of swelling Uie fund for band uniforms. Mrs. Ora Thome presided. Four numbers, "Class Leader March", "Mission Bells" and "Columbia "Co-lumbia Overture" were presented by the 42-piece orchestra. The Junior band of 55 pieces played "A March." "The Merry Widow," "Overture" and "Abide WiUi Me." Selections rendered by the Senior band with its 52 instruments, instru-ments, were "National Anthem," "Horizon Overture" (the 1941 contest con-test number) , and "Stars and Stripes Forever" A supplementary feature of the entertainment was a humorous skit portraying Uie need of new uniforms. uni-forms. It was played by Norman $ Wright and Kay Jacobs, with Eleroy ' West as reader. o |