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Show Pleasant Grove Locals Mrs. Arnold Richins entertained at dinner Wednesday evening of last week. A patriotic motif was carried out in favors and decorations. Covers Cov-ers were laid for Ellen Richins. Laura Lau-ra Adams, Betty Carlson. Beverly West. John Atwood. Keith Bezzant, Bud Swenson and Earl Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Radmall and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Thorne attended the wedding reception given Wednesday night by Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thorne of Salt Lake in honor of their son Wendell and Miss Harriet Barber of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harper and family were guests at a Thorne family fam-ily party given by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thorne of Copperton Saturday afternoon af-ternoon and evening. The occasion was Uie anniversary of Uie birthday of Mrs. Harper's mother, Uie late Mrs. Annie Thorne. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gourley and children of Minersvlile spent Uie week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs- M. S. Christiansen. Mrs. Owen ChrisUansen entertained entertain-ed in honor of Uie ninth birthday of her daughter Carma, Monday afternoon. The guests who enjoyed the games and refreshments with the pretty birthday cake were Bobby Bob-by Newman, Anna Beth Atwood, Marvin Johnson, Bobby Macfarlane, Alene Rasmusson, Maurine Peterson, Thoral Rasmusson and Kay and Lyle Christiansen. About 150 Junior Girls and Explorer Ex-plorer Scouts of the Timpanogos stake M. I. A. enjoyed a very successful suc-cessful dancing party at the Second Sec-ond ward amusement hall Tuesday Tues-day evening after Uie regular M. I. A. meeting. Light refreshments were served. The stake leaders, Mrs. Lola Bullock, Mrs. Maxene Peterson and H. S- Walker were in charge of the party. They were assisted by LeGrand Jarman, Mrs. Nellie Weeks, Mrs. Ethan Allen. A delightful affair of last week was the surprise party given by Mrs. Harold M. Wright in honor of her husband's birthday on Friday evening. eve-ning. The valentine theme was carried out in luncheon, favors and in the attractive birthday cake. Progressive Pro-gressive Hearts were played, the winner being Mrs. Emily Tyler. President W. W. Warnick gained recognition as the writer of the cleverest story from a valentine candy verse. Two comic gifts aroused much merriment. The guest list included President W. W. War-nick, War-nick, Mrs. Warnick, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Radmall, Bishop and Mrs. Joseph S. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scholes, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Fugal, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Richins, Mr. and Mrs. George Paul, Mrs. Oral Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wright of American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Tyler of Provo. Mrs. Edna Robinson spent last j week with her mother, Mrs. John K. Allen of Vineyard. ! Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Johnson of Provo were Pleasant Grove visitors, ' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff of Provo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Huff on Sunday. Thomas Gleason was honored on his birthday by a group of neighbors and relatives at a delightful social Saturday night. Games and visiting were followed by a delicious luncheon. lunch-eon. The attractive birthday cake was made by Mrs. Arthur Wood-worth Wood-worth of Salt Lake City, a former neighbor of Mr. Gleason 's. Co-hostesses were Miss Jennie Gleason, Mrs. Sterling Bennett of Provo, and Mrs. Alton Gardner. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Peay and family, Mrs. Eliza Broomhead of Salt Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Maxfield. Mrs. Niels Fugal entertained at a Valentine party in honor of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Chaffin and family fam-ily of Provo. Games, social chat and a delicious luncheon were enjoyed by Uie thirty-three guests, all relatives rela-tives of Uie hostess. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sundberg and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Young and children of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. Porter Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holdaway, both of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Vance West and children, chil-dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Fugal and daughters. Children of . the W. P. A. Play school received a nice lesson in appreciation ap-preciation when their leader, Mrs. Margaret Meeks took them to the home of Mrs. J. P. Fugal where they bestowed valentines as a mark of respect to one who gave them beautiful beau-tiful flowers from her garden in October. Mrs. Meeks reported that it would be hard to say who was most pleased the donors or the recipient. Mrs. J. A. Sudstrup' and daughter of McGill, Nevada, are . spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Johnson, and other relatives. A few of the Pleasant Grove friends of Mrs. Viola Haddock gave a no-hostess party in her honor Friday afternoon at her home in American Fork. The group was entertained en-tertained with games, visiting and a dainty luncheon. Each of the hostesses brought a gift for the guest of honor. Those present were Mrs. Persha Nielson, Mrs. Geneve Carlson, Mrs. Angie Young, Mrs. Perlinda Radmall, and Mrs. Stella Cloward of Payson. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beck were hosts at a delightful patriotic party given at their home Monday night. Progressive games were played. Winners Win-ners of thei prizes were Mrs. Joy Clegg and Mrs. Betta Madsen. An attractive luncheon was served. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Joy Clegg, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clegg, Mr. and Mrs. Le-' Le-' land Gammon, Mr. and Mrs. Dutton . Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Varley, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Harding, Mr. I and Mrs. Clarence Gammon, Mr. and j Mrs. Earl Toone, Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holdaway Holda-way and Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Stone. |